by Haron » Wed Jul 22, 2020 8:36 am
Either it will affect piracy, or it will change around on who gets the advantage and who gets the disadvantage, I believe.
By keeping it like today, but changing server midnight every month, things stay like today, but who gets the advantage changes from month to month.
By splitting the effects on two or three times per day, exploiting this becomes slightly harder for pirates, and who gets the advantage changes between the two or three updates.
By splitting it into more, like every hour, things become equal for all, but the piracy effect of the update is removed. The same would happen if we introduced "individual" updates (which would not be possible for nations or kings, but would be for stipends and upkeep).
In order for upkeep to be exploited by pirates, like today, it needs to have a significant effect, like today. Also, it needs to happen when someone is awake while the targets sleep.
I think the effects of today works well, the disadvantage is that it mainly works against European players, and European players can not use this themselves. By changing server midnight every month, things stay like today, but who gets the advantage and who gets the disadvantage changes from month to month.
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