[Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

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[Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Sebena » Thu May 21, 2020 6:17 pm

This is idea that's been on my mind ever since Academy.

We all want game to prosper and offer more entertainment,so why wouldn't we offer Expeditions on which you can find materials and blueprints to make ships uniqe.


Main requirments for this would be Private Marina lvl 15 or 20
Shipwright tech lvl 20 in axademy.
Basic resources including food, tobacco, rum.

How Expeditions would work?

Expeditions would work similiar to Shipwreck hunt with a twist that you would send Fleet to expedition and in 80-90% of cases it would be succssesfull in finding things but retrivable only if certain requirments are met. For example blueprint on how to make Frigate carry 50 more canons would require SotL in the fleet doing expedition because only with SotL you could defeat NPC pirate which sails modified frigate with it. Of course if requirments aren't met entry of it ends up in
Cpt. Log for 24 or 48 hrs and once you fill requirment you can send that fleet to retrive it journey would last same and it could be time set in stone like Shipwreck hunt has 12 hrs I think. Turns could be used to speed things up let's say 50 turns like shipwreck hunt has 30.

What comes after expedition?

I would like to see unsuccssesfull expedition (blueprint and materials aren't retrived) fleet that did it gets 5 dp because in port taverns people speak about expeditions and those returning from them were known.

Succssesfull expeditions (requirments were met and 1 journey was needed) get 10 dp. Why? Because those whom returned and discovered something were even morr known than those that failed.


Beside materials and blueprints would different each time

Unsuccssefull: some small ammount of resources that would be picked from floatsom and jetson.

Succssesfull: small ammount of resources, special materials, gcs,bluprints and small amoubt of fame because again succssesfull ones became famouse in a way.

Special Materials:

This would be new resource not sellable on the regular market or sellable at all in the beggining (maybe in the future we can get another market) those materials would take cargo space in fleet. They would have separate warehouse in the Private marina that would increase with lvl of Marina. What are they? (All have special in their name)

Wood needed for all improvments (most common one)
Iron: used for hull, canons upgrade
Cotton: sails and hammocks


These would be differentin a way where you could find 2 for extra cargo but not both would work the same 1 could be for Large Fluyr otherbone for regular Merchantmen and value can be different aswell such as one improving it for additional 20 and other one 40 and such things.

General blueprint for improved cargo or sails like improving cargo on the cost of canon number and vice versa more canons on the cost of cargo. But those should be limited to extra 10 or so. Improving sails should improve base speed by a minimum on the cost of canons and cargo like if base speed is 24 after work is done speed goes to 27. These could be basic blueprints that could be achieved just by going on expedition.

Another option for expeditions could be finding NPCs whom could improve speed of remodeling/specialosing ships. Those could be obtainable by expeditions which require regular resources.

How mechanic would work in Marina?

It would be option available at certain lvl opening intial 1 place for improving which could be upgraded by upgrading marina. To put ship in marina would require turns like now to move it on upgrade place would require 10-20 additional turns. There all the improvments done would require time and could be speed up with turns like building and researching is done. It would require resources and coins like GS to upgrade ship. Once put on improvment and starting improving wouldn't be able to stop and give up in those cases either finish upgrade or scrap ship and get 10% of intial resources needed to build with no GBs returned if ship required them to be built (SotL and LMM).

I didn't included time for how much improvment requires time since that should be discussed not to be too long or too short.

Regarding Ship traits:

I would like to have option in this mechanic to change ship trait. 1 trait change per ship. 30% of time resulting in ship becoming traitless. Cost of it should be in range of 100-150 credits. So for the ships with 2 traits you chose which trait you want to change while other stays. MoW should be special so it can get option for 2 changes so with 200-300 credits you can change twice. You CAN'T never get additional trait, it is trait for trait. On ship market ships with changed trait get * showing that trait has changed and no more changes available.

Personal opinion why would this be beneficial:

I think that this way we would enrich gameplay and depth of the game. It would give another level to shipwright playstyle and would extra touch on ship market.

If I missed anything please ask freely.


It just came to me that at one point we wanted to improve usage rate of Mid-table ships in shipwright so maybe make them better in gathering special resources so lets say fluyt has option in expedition finding extra special wood. Merchantmen in finding extra iron and such things.
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby The Lamb » Thu May 21, 2020 6:36 pm

+1 Would be fun, i know we were discussing expeditions a few times a while back and everyone seemed to like it.
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Zephore » Thu May 21, 2020 6:44 pm

+1, ships would be sellable with the blueprint? That'd also create something for the ''shipwrights'' out there
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Sebena » Thu May 21, 2020 6:48 pm

Zephore wrote:+1, ships would be sellable with the blueprint? That'd also create something for the ''shipwrights'' out there

Blueprint stays with the builder. Maybe at one point when we get special market for special resources we can add sellable blueprints.
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby PFH » Thu May 21, 2020 7:02 pm

+1 i like it all

But what if you found a copy of an already existing blueprint you already have?


Why not add an option where you add the previous trait back onto a traitless ship? That way if you lose a trait, you can at least get the old trait back...for a price
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Zephore » Thu May 21, 2020 7:04 pm

Wolfie wrote:
Zephore wrote:+1, ships would be sellable with the blueprint? That'd also create something for the ''shipwrights'' out there

Blueprint stays with the builder. Maybe at one point when we get a special market for special resources we can add sellable blueprints.

Oh, more like you'd be able to sell the ships build with the blueprint - and it'd keep it, but that's kind of obvious.

Will blueprints be spent on building?
Will they get different grades?
Could the blueprints be improvable?
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Sebena » Thu May 21, 2020 7:14 pm

To answer both questions:

We can add Blueprint durability for example 1 blueprint will be destroyed after 100 or some other number of ships.

I wouldn't say grades but different values of the same blueprint like Cargo blueprint for LMM can differ from extra 40 cargo to extra 80 cargo (numbers are just on top of my head they can be discussable)

Could they be improvable?
We can add special NPC that can boost value of blueprint so if blueprint says 30 cargo with that NPC value go to 35.
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Thu May 21, 2020 7:24 pm

I have long argued that the 'profession' of ship-builder has a place in the game. Whilst anyone and everyone can build 'stock' ships, then it wont happen. Ship-builders need a way to mark their skills to draw customers to them, specifically. Yes, I sell lots of TG/LMM's on the Market but nobody knows they are mine unless they buy one and see my name in the log.
Does that matter when my builds are no different to some-one elses? Maybe not.
I would like a 'tech' which adds something special to my builds : a tech, or mission as suggested above, which gives blueprint to build a special version of a ship. A guaranteed trait might be the way to go, or a good % chance to get it : 50/50 like 'Duplicate' maybe.
That leaves a lot of room for randomising the discovering /researching /baking of the blueprints : each ship-type (18) x each trait (9)= 162 possible blueprints.
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Sebena » Thu May 21, 2020 7:58 pm

Danik wrote:I have long argued that the 'profession' of ship-builder has a place in the game. Whilst anyone and everyone can build 'stock' ships, then it wont happen. Ship-builders need a way to mark their skills to draw customers to them, specifically. Yes, I sell lots of TG/LMM's on the Market but nobody knows they are mine unless they buy one and see my name in the log.
Does that matter when my builds are no different to some-one elses? Maybe not.
I would like a 'tech' which adds something special to my builds : a tech, or mission as suggested above, which gives blueprint to build a special version of a ship. A guaranteed trait might be the way to go, or a good % chance to get it : 50/50 like 'Duplicate' maybe.
That leaves a lot of room for randomising the discovering /researching /baking of the blueprints : each ship-type (18) x each trait (9)= 162 possible blueprints.

With these blueprints uniqness is added but we could add like Extra rare blueprint that give 1 trait exchange 100% succsses or something like that. I do have couple ideas about it if we get green light about traits exchange option but it requires fine tuning so that it is not exploitable
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby The Lamb » Thu May 21, 2020 11:40 pm

I like the idea of having different "levels" of blueprints like levels of voodoo. Maybe the rarer, the more materials needed to create that ship.
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