Forum Toxicity - An Open Discussion

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Re: Forum Toxicity - An Open Discussion

Postby Stan Rogers » Mon May 18, 2020 6:15 pm

DezNutz wrote:Yes. And the admins/mods need to step up on enforcing the rules. Rule enforcement could have curtailed some of this. But enforcement can't come without support and activity from the community. The point that I was trying to make in this topic.

It is abuse of Mod powers in enforcement that prompted me to institute a self imposed boycott of the forums which remains to this day.
I only post here because it directly relates to actions and reasons why I implemented it.
Over and Out.
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Re: Forum Toxicity - An Open Discussion

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Mon May 18, 2020 6:18 pm

I have abandoned the forums as a part of the gameplay. That's just as bad as toxicity in forums.

Compare the tone of dialogue throughout the forums around the first two drafts (including the draft topics). Now look at the forums around the latest draft.

It is striking the lack of respect and decorum.

Many of us came to Pirates Glory to escape the real world for a little bit - the chivalry, the character, the honor - the fantasy - of a seafaring world. It was a chance to be someone different than we are in the real world where toxicity and sides chosing permeates the, news, politics, media, social media and other public forums.

Yeah, there are things that could be better, and nothing is perfect - that's the beauty of the draft - it honors players who have taken this fantasy world with it's limitations and distinguished themselves here, and we all want to recognize that - we missed the mark on a lot of fronts with this last one, both by participating and by standing aside we all failed the spirit of the draft this time.

Enough of that..

Here's what I think (for no more than it is worth, as it just another stupid opinion) we should understand:

We all have something in common - we really like this game - probably more than we should. With this in mind, we need to respect each other, honor each other with some tolerance, chivalry and character. The person you can't stand loves Pirates Glory as much as you do - we need to temper our banter and responses with that in mind.

We will all be miles ahead if we remember this is just a game - a fantasy game - a moment to leave the real world to the side for a while, and not drag it into the game.

No one, 8 years ago, thought a browser game with lit get off the ground, let alone last this long - if we truly want it to last, we need to act like it.
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Re: Forum Toxicity - An Open Discussion

Postby sXs » Mon May 18, 2020 6:25 pm

Stan Rogers wrote:
DezNutz wrote:Yes. And the admins/mods need to step up on enforcing the rules. Rule enforcement could have curtailed some of this. But enforcement can't come without support and activity from the community. The point that I was trying to make in this topic.

It is abuse of Mod powers in enforcement that prompted me to institute a self imposed boycott of the forums which remains to this day.
I only post here because it directly relates to actions and reasons why I implemented it.
Over and Out.

Please give an example of abuse of mod power. I actually think mods have been way too lenient. Forum rules are laid out quite clearly and they have not been enforced. I know I have been guilty on several occasions of not following the rules and guidelines.
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Re: Forum Toxicity - An Open Discussion

Postby DezNutz » Mon May 18, 2020 7:25 pm

Stan Rogers wrote:
DezNutz wrote:Yes. And the admins/mods need to step up on enforcing the rules. Rule enforcement could have curtailed some of this. But enforcement can't come without support and activity from the community. The point that I was trying to make in this topic.

It is abuse of Mod powers in enforcement that prompted me to institute a self imposed boycott of the forums which remains to this day.
I only post here because it directly relates to actions and reasons why I implemented it.
Over and Out.

Enforcing the rules shouldn't be resulting in admin/mod abuse. If abuse is occurring during the enforcement of rules, then that needs to be reported. Unreported abuse might as well be silent approval of the actions. That's not acceptable. It shouldn't matter who the person is. If you feel that abuse is occurring, there are other mods, admins, and CJ that the abuse can be reported to. There is also the option to speak to the person in PM. Admin/Mod abuse is a serious topic. If the mod/admin refuses to discuss the issue with you, then they need to be reported.

In addition to this, a more stringent set of rule enforcement does mean the Admins/Mods run around the forums like the Gestapo. There is leeway that can be given, but in it's current state, there is just too much leeway.
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Re: Forum Toxicity - An Open Discussion

Postby The Lamb » Mon May 18, 2020 7:56 pm

So are the posts in the voting thread an example of this or no?

Mod baiting. Warning issued.

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Re: Forum Toxicity - An Open Discussion

Postby Meliva » Mon May 18, 2020 8:51 pm

I'll admit I think I can be a bit too lenient when it comes to moderating. Typically, I mostly only mod when I receive a report. If I see a rule violation, and it's a minor one I will often let it slide-unless a report pops up about it. And honestly, the community is pretty reserved when it comes to reports. Which leads me to believe most folks don't mind something like mild trolling outside UoH, or the odd swear word or 2.

It also doesn't help that in some of the instances when I DID moderate someone over something, I get labelled as abusing my mod power, or being biased etc. Hell, even in this very forum, we have 2 differing opinions-one saying we are too laxed, the other saying some mods abuse power.

If the community wants me to stop being lenient, and start seriously modding folks who break any rules-regardless of severity, I am willing to do so-especially if all instances are reported. Frankly though, I prefer being lenient. But a report is a report.
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Re: Forum Toxicity - An Open Discussion

Postby Stan Rogers » Mon May 18, 2020 9:27 pm

My issue is not how lenient or strict a moderator enforces the rules but rather, when the rules are enforced in a biased or partisan way.
My particular incident was reported to other mods including the mod who committed the abuse so stuff the staying quiet part.
Strangely enough, the infraction was not committed on or by me but having witnessed it made me furious to a point where I resolved to not post until the problem was fixed. There is only one fix and that is remove the offending moderator.

Yea...if everyone did what I am doing, it would be a very quiet forum indeed however, I am but one voice so my self imposed boycott does little harm to the overall health of the forum.
The problem continues...
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Re: Forum Toxicity - An Open Discussion

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Mon May 18, 2020 9:54 pm

i have had the same issue and more recently than some
it was with the warning for name calling after being told voicing my dissent with what the topic was about would not be allowed
right afterwards the mod in question began name calling
and while he got a warning for breaking at will the same rule he was enforcing
nothing happened about the abuse of admin power to tell me i could not voice my dissent in a topic designed for it or i would get a ban
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Re: Forum Toxicity - An Open Discussion

Postby Meliva » Mon May 18, 2020 10:04 pm

Dmanwuzhere wrote:i have had the same issue and more recently than some
it was with the warning for name calling after being told voicing my dissent with what the topic was about would not be allowed
right afterwards the mod in question began name calling
and while he got a warning for breaking at will the same rule he was enforcing
nothing happened about the abuse of admin power to tell me i could not voice my dissent in a topic designed for it or i would get a ban

Perhaps I should have given some sort of punishment for what was said, instead of just apologizing for . Again, I will confess I can be, overly lenient. I do not like to punish others, and prefer to let most folks get by with verbal warnings.

Perhaps from this point on, I will keep a personal list of strikes, and upon striking out, I will either temporarily, or if the case is serious enough permanently remove the individual from the mod list.

However I will ask that, those who have an issue, please, message me about it rather then post things in the forums, as otherwise it can be seen as mod baiting. I will gladly hear anyone out if they have an issue with any of the mods, or myself, and will do my best to be as fair as possible to all parties.
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Re: Forum Toxicity - An Open Discussion

Postby PhoenixKnight » Mon May 18, 2020 11:19 pm

How did we go from wanting to be active about monitoring forums and helping moderators keep things civilized to blaming moderators?

Let's keep it simple "If you see something, Report to a moderator" This includes if a moderator needs to be moderated.
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