Trump 2020!

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Re: go trump

Postby The Lamb » Wed Jan 15, 2020 9:29 pm

:D ewwwwweee
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Re: Trump 2020!

Postby Mack » Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:40 pm

TRUMP 2020!

Dont forget to register to vote!
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Re: Trump 2020!

Postby Gregor Egerton » Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:30 am

I don't mean to get political or anything, but I'd rather have Cheeto man as my President than old "Where am I?" Boe Jiden.
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Re: Trump 2020!

Postby Caladan » Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:26 pm

I really do hope that you manage to re-elect the yellow man, because the entertainment level of that man is just through the roof.
I just love to watch whenever he holds a pressconference or speach, eagerly awaiting his next blunder.
One of my favorites are when he said that the continental army seized the British airports :D
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Re: Trump 2020!

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:25 pm

Trump is the consumate salesman : he has no ideas or opinions which can not be changed, reversed or denied to suit the audience he is selling to. The only constant is his unshakable belief in himself and his only doubt is his failure to understand why so many dont share his opinion of himself.

To understand Trumps mindset is easy : it doesnt matter what you say or do or promise as long as you make the deal. Equally, it doesnt matter how much you fail to deliver on it : that is always some-one elses fault. 'Can't get the parts!/ It's the global economy, stupid!/ China!/ Satan!/ Fake news media!/ Lost socks!/ etc.'

It's entertaining in that cringing way, like watching some reality show z-list celebrity chewing on a kangeroo's anus, its hard to know who is being dis-respected more, the celeb or the kangeroo.
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Re: Trump 2020!

Postby The Lamb » Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:06 pm

Oh I am with all of ya, sometimes he is his own worst enemy, however unless you have totally drank the cool aid and are one of the 8 people that still believe CNN, you cant deny the good things happening to this country during his rein, well that is until we all got a small taste of socialism, New England has felt like all them other winning socialist utopia's, cant go here, cant buy that, only work if we say its ok and shortages of resources meaning rationing.. toilet paper anyone? I gots Mine!

I loved Trumps colonial airport takeover and Joe's "150 million people have been killed [by guns] since 2007" in the united states. I love election time its fun.

I will vote for him again, i'm less theory and more results, less feelings and more logic. if only he would stop talking so much lol
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Re: Trump 2020!

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:19 pm

I dont get the knee-jerk 'socialism' thang : what else is federal bailouts than state intervention in the free-market economy : centralised command economy? That will be the federal government ordering businesses to produce what it dictates. At its base any form of insurance is 'socialism', as are highways, air traffic control, and many other ways society 'socialises' risk and collective benefits. The day a company like Boeing stands up and says proudly : 'We took the profits in the good years, we'll take the hit now in the bad year' then I might see the moral basis for 'free enterprise' and the risk/reward benefits of raw capitalism : but the US model is flawed : profits are kept privatised, losses are socialised.

Ps : it's shear, not sheer a sheep. Shear : cut or trim / sheer : extreme or steep.
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Re: Trump 2020!

Postby Livonia » Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:39 pm

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Re: Trump 2020!

Postby The Lamb » Fri May 01, 2020 12:59 am

Danik you are correct, I don't believe in govt bailouts either, no such thing as too big to fail. If big, it fails, the market will decide if new entrants can take its place to fill demand. I think your getting lost in translation between social needs filled with the tax dollars from the free market vrs. socialism the failed governance theory. Stating that roads, insurance etc is socialism is just lazy my friend. I expect more from you :D

PS. your too smart to tell me that all the other failed socialist governments just never did it right.

PPS..And you should also know that my spelling suuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks :)
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Re: Trump 2020!

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Fri May 01, 2020 1:15 am

Nope, state socialism was a fail from the get go... but given the alternatives that emerged over the same period one has to say the commonfolk were screwed regardless of what label the ruling elite stuck on to legitimise their power-grab.
I just point the finger at the common knee-jerk logic that if state-provided healthcare is 'socialism' then so is state-provided or supported transport infrastructure, education, etc.
Insurance is socialist theory in practice : we all take a share of the risk in return for the benefit should misfortune befall us. Dont confuse that 'socialism' with the failed Marxist-Leninist experiment: that was another creature altogether : centralising power in the hands of an elite.
The failed socialist states also called themselves 'democratic republics' which didnt make them that either.
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