Plaudits, great word!
We all have our own echo chambers, these places where we see and hear what we want to see and hear. However, this is supposed to be a non specific discussion on what players feel is toxic behavior and how players see game play if im not mistaken.
1. So far it seems we all agree that vulgar abusive verbal attacks are not good for the forum or the game
2. Personal attacks beyond game digs, not appropriate
And as far as I can tailor down:
-we have some that think over farming, witch doctors and abusive voodoo casting can lead to a toxic atmosphere and be detrimental to game numbers.
-some who feel crying about being over farmed, witch doctor(ed), and ferociously casted upon means your doing something wrong yourself and if you cant handle it this might not be the game for you.
Both views are right for this conversation whether or not they are right for the game is a different subject. We all get our views from the group think of our peers, we can rattle off many examples of this from history. People were talked into believing killing others was ok and that hairspray would kill the planet. (Just to give two far ended examples.) You dont think all the Germans were sociopaths do ya? No, They just bought what a few sociopaths were saying.
Like I said we all have echo chambers, and we all need to discuss our points of view here. Now its not my place to say which statement above will help the game and which one wont, but at least we get to talk about it.
The truth usually lands somewhere in the middle. Anyone else want to chime in?

Im El Duffus and I approve this message
You can sheer a sheep many times, but only skin it once!