Community Discussion: Toxic Behavior & Game Play

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Community Discussion: Toxic Behavior & Game Play

Postby DezNutz » Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:58 pm

The purpose of this topic is to discuss reports of toxic behavior and game play.

As a community, toxicity can be extremely detrimental to player moral, game development, and player base retention and expansion. If toxic behavior or game play is being observed, you as a member of the community can and are encouraged to discuss the issue and possible resolutions.

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Re: Community Discussion: Toxic Behavior & Game Play

Postby The Lamb » Sun Sep 08, 2019 10:26 pm

I miss the days where people made fun of each other, did fun posts, threatened people (but in a way that would be equal to the offence). This new style of play we see from some is classless, tasteless, requires no skill and is a sign of mediocre game play at best.

Who cares who did what in the past. Who cares who said what. Cant we get back to the days where all could speak, brag and enjoy each other?

If your so board that ciaos is your only alternative, you should go to another game.

We are a fake world, with fake ships, with fake skills with fake politics. Most of us come to be thrust into the life of a pirate, trader or privateer. I always address my king as sir or sire, why? Its part of the reason im here.

Can we get back to the the ways of honoring your accords, maybe speaking like pirates once and a while (that was for you mel), or are we going to let the ego's of a selfish few kill the game?

Most of the players here are here to have fun. The bad players and those who support their behavior DIRECTLY and INDIRECTLY, are ruining it for all and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

In conclusion...AAAARRRRRGGGGGG :)
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Re: Community Discussion: Toxic Behavior & Game Play

Postby Ross mctavish » Sun Sep 08, 2019 10:42 pm

Excellent El Draque, I feel the same way. (Except I wasn't around in the "good ol' days of Pirates Glory)

I said much the same thing at the end of the poll on moderator professionalism thread. I could care less about voodoo chest size. I think the recent surge in the "Let's retaliate in a completely over the top way and destroy that player because he did whatever to insult me" line of thinking is ridiculous.

This is a pirate game is it not? The amount of retaliation that a player can receive just for plunder wins is disgusting. WE ARE PIRATES or at least pirate types. What is the point of a pirate game in which ship combat is so frowned on?

Also AAAARRRRGGGGH :pirateflag
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Re: Community Discussion: Toxic Behavior & Game Play

Postby DezNutz » Sun Sep 08, 2019 10:45 pm

El Draque wrote:I miss the days where people made fun of each other, did fun posts, threatened people (but in a way that would be equal to the offence). This new style of play we see from some is classless, tasteless, requires no skill and is a sign of mediocre game play at best.

Who cares who did what in the past. Who cares who said what. Cant we get back to the days where all could speak, brag and enjoy each other?

If your so board that ciaos is your only alternative, you should go to another game.

We are a fake world, with fake ships, with fake skills with fake politics. Most of us come to be thrust into the life of a pirate, trader or privateer. I always address my king as sir or sire, why? Its part of the reason im here.

Can we get back to the the ways of honoring your accords, maybe speaking like pirates once and a while (that was for you mel), or are we going to let the ego's of a selfish few kill the game?

Most of the players here are here to have fun. The bad players and those who support their behavior DIRECTLY and INDIRECTLY, are ruining it for all and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

In conclusion...AAAARRRRRGGGGGG :)

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Re: Community Discussion: Toxic Behavior & Game Play

Postby The Lamb » Mon Sep 09, 2019 12:28 am

The question was asked of me who the "some is classless, tasteless, requires no skill and is a sign of mediocre game play at best." and I was told my conclusions are weak.
So i would say this:
To me there are 3 levels of this game:
1. Trading
2. Pirating
3. Politics
With voodoo being a secondary equalizer.

There are masterful players - the likes of SHM, William, Lods, ETC... those who work all three levels. When all three levels are used its called strategy.

Pirates are the only ones who need not work another level to be masterful. They hoist the cross and bones and tend to run alone.

In my opinion, if your not a pirate, you must find a balance of the three levels to be considered a good game player and good at strategy. If you remove one of the 3 main levels from your game, your not very good at this game as it was meant to be played.

That brings me to voodoo. Anything in this game can be accomplished without voodoo if you play the game well and use the levels correctly. Or ANYONE can break out plastic and buy voodoo. I do! Why not? But voodoo can not be a substitute for not having good strategy. You can be an amazing witch doctor but that too is not a good GAME player.

I hope this clears up any questions on how i view game play. I dont need to supply lists or tell people what i think of their play styles. Remember, this is my opinion, and if you think I am describing your specific play style thats on you. Im not calling out anyone here.

One thing I have seen, is some pretty destructive players decide to become damn good players buy building instead of tearing down.

Cheers :beer
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Re: Community Discussion: Toxic Behavior & Game Play

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Sep 09, 2019 12:36 am

I find myself nodding as I read the above. It is a pirate game as in PvP combat should, indeed must, lie at its heart. What lies around it should support that. My big ships didnt come for free (well, one did) but even the captures cost gold in voodoo, return fire, etc.

We can not claim its a pirate game so thats why we hit then get antsy because folk hit us as part of the game. It cant be a one-way street. If you need a one-way street then go the PvE route. But retaliation must be porportionate to the attack itself. 100% is fine... 110% is okay.. 200% is over-reacting. New players need to learn the ropes : they need to learn where the lines are when they attack established players. We were all beginners once too. We didnt know who would laugh and send us a buried treasure or who would smash us into the ground. They dont either. Cut some slack. No-one will admire you for crushing a newb. Quite the reverse.

Some of my best friends in this game have been on the recieving end of my gunfire at one point or another. That can be great fun too!

Respect in the game is nice. Fear is not. Too many often confuse the two. The newbie who hits you today may be your solid guildmate next year. Its not all kumbaya. I lost my fleets to one player. We hammered ten kinds of doodah out of each other for a week or more. One year later we were fighting side by side in our nation.

Respect pays off, fear does not. Fear is a temporary buzz gone once a bigger scarier beast ambles out of the forest. Respect stays with you regardless of outcomes.

Like SHM so wisely said.. we are human beings behind the names here. Let's remember that.
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Re: Community Discussion: Toxic Behavior & Game Play

Postby sXs » Mon Sep 09, 2019 12:48 am

I have issue with the premise of "toxic gameplay". While I hate some aspects of the game, Specifically undercover voodoo, There is no such thing as "toxic" play in my opinion. You being over farmed or targeted by someone stronger, put a group together and stop it. It has been done in this game.

Being hit by witch doctor attacks? there are ways to stop it.

This is a pirate game with offensive voodoo. Learn to deal.

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Re: Community Discussion: Toxic Behavior & Game Play

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Sep 09, 2019 12:57 am

I disagree. Amongst peers, you are right. But when established players target inexperienced players because they are easy targets thats toxic gameplay in my view. Its toxic because its detrimental to the game overall. Newbies of today are tomorrows veterans : the game will wither and die if they are chased out because they can not see progress but can see wilful destruction of what they are trying to build.

It poisons a game at its roots and ultimately destroys it : the very definition of toxic in my view. I can show you several games I have played where newbs get crushed within hours of leaving newbie protection. The only folk playing them are the few established players doing the crushing and the newbs not yet out of protection. The middle layer, the real meat of any game, does not exist because it has never been allowed to grow.

Beyond toxic gameplay lies toxic behaviour in general : that can destroy a game too. The two can be linked but can also exist seperately. Some folk just want to watch the world burn. The game they are in is not important, its just the arena they have found to display their pathology in. That is equally detrimental.
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Re: Community Discussion: Toxic Behavior & Game Play

Postby sXs » Mon Sep 09, 2019 1:09 am

Danik wrote:I disagree. Amongst peers, you are right. But when established players target inexperienced players because they are easy targets thats toxic gameplay in my view. Its toxic because its detrimental to the game overall. Newbies of today are tomorrows veterans : the game will wither and die if they are chased out because they can not see progress but can see wilful destruction of what they are trying to build.

It poisons a game at its roots and ultimately destroys it : the very definition of toxic in my view. I can show you several games I have played where newbs get crushed within hours of leaving newbie protection. The only folk playing them are the few established players doing the crushing and the newbs not yet out of protection. The middle layer, the real meat of any game, does not exist because it has never been allowed to grow.

Beyond toxic gameplay lies toxic behaviour in general : that can destroy a game too. The two can be linked but can also exist seperately. Some folk just want to watch the world burn. The game they are in is not important, its just the arena they have found to display their pathology in. That is equally detrimental.

I disagree. I was targeted and defleeted by Merc less than 6 weeks into my gameplay.... then again a few weeks later. Instead of bitching about it, I left the guild I was in and sought out vets to learn from. The guild I was in was too passive and offered no help at all. It was actually the best learning experience I have had in game. What is needed more is more vets to step up and mentor young players. What is needed is true training guilds that will teach new players how to prevent it from happening instead of simply jumping in and countering the attacks.

I had Mugiwara teach me the trade basics and Admiral Nelson taught me defense and attack mechanics. You need more vets to step up and teach and lead rather than ***** and moan about it.

It seems TUDOR guild was the result of which you speak.
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Re: Community Discussion: Toxic Behavior & Game Play

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Sep 09, 2019 1:19 am

I have been careful to speak in general terms and not name names. I could mention more than a few who fitted the last paragraphs description who no longer play the game as well as some (plural) who still do.

Guilds are an issue. Training guilds tend to become happy hunting grounds for such types of players as described above. Its like self-managed farms with a big sign above saying 'all you can eat for free'. On that basis alone my view is that they are counter-productive as long as the lazier kind of predators are at large.

Whatever. If these issues are not addressed then this game will wind down and go the way if many others. The toxic element will just shrug and go find a new arena. Only those who love it will miss it.
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