Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech Tree(Medium)

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Re: Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech Tree

Postby Magnus the red » Wed Aug 28, 2019 6:50 pm

Whitcomb joshua wrote:in both cases i understand your point, but you are unfortunately wrong :)

in monetary economics there is a distinction between money and a letter of credit. Even in your examples, people have debts and they have no money. You still need real coins to make the economic system working, you can't work on debts because it becomes only a system of barter.

even with the rotschilds, they maybe sent letters of credits but they always received their sums back in gold and/or valuable resources ! they never received back a piece of paper with written the amount :) they made their fortune with real values, not with letter of credits. so they maybe sent letters of credit to the english army in portugal with written "you have now X dollars on your bank account" but when the british army spent this money they maybe gave the piece of paper with written X, then the supplier still had to go to Austria or the closest rotschilds bank to receive phisically his sum of real money.
But here when we play, we have sums of real money teleported from port to port and i think it is sad.

About pirates being hung, yes and no. Here we play more the role of the privateer, we plunder other ships in the name of our nation. So we could be hung by our enemies in case of defeat. Yeah we could introduce it, not the hung of the account's owner but the death of the captain and all the crew could be a possibility.

I suggest you make your own game your suggestions would completely overhaul things and this game has been in operation too long for a compete redo of mechanics
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Re: Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech Tree

Postby Whitcomb The Feared » Wed Aug 28, 2019 6:55 pm

i don't think this is super complicate to code :)
you just define that 1 crates in cargo = 1000 coins (example)
you set a "main warehouse" which can contains 50% more (to store even coins earned by stipends and so one, and to link the plunder system and skirmish system to it insteaf of the amount of gold you have written in the upper-right corner)
and then you just need to move not only resources and gold bars from port to port, but also coins.

It is NOT complicate at all to code. it's just a total different approach of the game :)
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Re: Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech Tree

Postby DezNutz » Sat Aug 31, 2019 2:08 pm

Whitcomb joshua wrote:i don't think this is super complicate to code :)
you just define that 1 crates in cargo = 1000 coins (example)
you set a "main warehouse" which can contains 50% more (to store even coins earned by stipends and so one, and to link the plunder system and skirmish system to it insteaf of the amount of gold you have written in the upper-right corner)
and then you just need to move not only resources and gold bars from port to port, but also coins.

It is NOT complicate at all to code. it's just a total different approach of the game :)


Ok so if gold coin has to be transported, then fleets would need gold coin on them to pay for resources or you would need to have a bank locations at each and every port.

If fleets need gold coin on them to pay for resources, that's less space for resources and eventually, the ship will fill with gold coin.

Additionally if a fleet has gold on it and gets skirmished all the coin would be lost. And you would have to restock the coin on ship.

You would also have to change how ransoms work in regards to plunders.

You don't have a firm grasp of the existing game mechanics.
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Re: Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech Tree

Postby Whitcomb The Feared » Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:12 pm

not really because when you trade, you don't have gold coins but resources, which when skirmished the attacker gets the actual value in gold of the resouces in the cargo. you don't need to refill money.

Of course in every warehouse you could have 50-100k coins in case you are plundered. Deznuts the problem is that if you want an easy game, here you have one :D a game of simple clicks which are ages distant of the real time of piracy. Now, if we want to discuss to make the game more related at the piracy, great ! if we want to make this game even easier, where there will be a company which will trade on your behalf or other god's ideas, well ... it think it will be sad for this game.

1. you don't need a bank in every port :) you just need a sum of money in each warehouse you use. in case you are skirmished, you go to the next port and automatically the game uses the warehouse coins to buy new resources, which will be traded at the initial port to generate profit. nothing really complicate.
just this game could have much more reality and much more phisicality.

2. i think you are confusing stuff. When your ships travel from A to B, they don't have money in the cargo. they have resources. You start from port A and you load resources (that the game buys with warehouse gold coins stock in the port A), then in port B the fleet unloads resources, sell them for money and the money is stored in the warehouse B. then the fleet loads resources (bought in exchange of a sum of money) and goes back to the port A.

In case of skirmish NOTHING would change. The defender fleet will have 0 cargo (as it is now) and the attacker fleet will have the cargo of resources. And then the player will sell the resources at the port where he is (so he will sell the resources at the base price, but still pure profit) or he will transport the cargo where it has a more valuable price. Of course it will be also a matter of time and decisions. However at the moment the game is just a matter of click of plundering or skirmishing at a fast rate, people don't care cause it's automatic.

2. About plundering you are also wrong :) there is an easy system to make it even easy to code. Instead of linking the plundering system to the total money we have in the pocket, you link the plunder system to the total money we have in our main warehouse (the main warehouse is the warehouse i set as the biggest we would have, with a +50% capacity to store resources + our main coin deposit). Now as many do, it is also easy to cheat the process and to avoid being plundered too much ... by putting as tail the cheapest ship and having low amount of gold coin in the pocket at the moment of the plunder (by hiding it in the bank or as the hidden treasure). Here it would be the same with the main warehouse. just changing codes.
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Re: Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech Tree

Postby DezNutz » Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:50 pm

Whitcomb joshua wrote:not really because when you trade, you don't have gold coins but resources, which when skirmished the attacker gets the actual value in gold of the resouces in the cargo. you don't need to refill money.

Of course in every warehouse you could have 50-100k coins in case you are plundered. Deznuts the problem is that if you want an easy game, here you have one :D a game of simple clicks which are ages distant of the real time of piracy. Now, if we want to discuss to make the game more related at the piracy, great ! if we want to make this game even easier, where there will be a company which will trade on your behalf or other god's ideas, well ... it think it will be sad for this game.

1. you don't need a bank in every port :) you just need a sum of money in each warehouse you use. in case you are skirmished, you go to the next port and automatically the game uses the warehouse coins to buy new resources, which will be traded at the initial port to generate profit. nothing really complicate.
just this game could have much more reality and much more phisicality.

2. i think you are confusing stuff. When your ships travel from A to B, they don't have money in the cargo. they have resources. You start from port A and you load resources (that the game buys with warehouse gold coins stock in the port A), then in port B the fleet unloads resources, sell them for money and the money is stored in the warehouse B. then the fleet loads resources (bought in exchange of a sum of money) and goes back to the port A.

In case of skirmish NOTHING would change. The defender fleet will have 0 cargo (as it is now) and the attacker fleet will have the cargo of resources. And then the player will sell the resources at the port where he is (so he will sell the resources at the base price, but still pure profit) or he will transport the cargo where it has a more valuable price. Of course it will be also a matter of time and decisions. However at the moment the game is just a matter of click of plundering or skirmishing at a fast rate, people don't care cause it's automatic.

2. About plundering you are also wrong :) there is an easy system to make it even easy to code. Instead of linking the plundering system to the total money we have in the pocket, you link the plunder system to the total money we have in our main warehouse (the main warehouse is the warehouse i set as the biggest we would have, with a +50% capacity to store resources + our main coin deposit). Now as many do, it is also easy to cheat the process and to avoid being plundered too much ... by putting as tail the cheapest ship and having low amount of gold coin in the pocket at the moment of the plunder (by hiding it in the bank or as the hidden treasure). Here it would be the same with the main warehouse. just changing codes.

I'm not confusing anything. You stated you wanted to alleviate the gold in hand being used. Well obviously you aren't in every port, so you must pay for it as you want players to have to transport money. If you want to be realistic, ships carried their own purse. The cargo in the ship doesn't pay for it self. You have to put out money at first to pay for it. There are also ports where the profit you make in selling is considerably less the cost to buy the goods sold at port.

As for your money in warehouse suggestion, you don't need a warehouse in the port to conduct trade. This is particularly relevant to new players. So where does their money go.

You don't have a full grasp of the game mechanics and the effects that they have. You just put forth a partial idea and say, it's easy.

I am not wrong on plunder. Perhaps you should actually read how it works currently.

An easy system that is easy to code. LOL. If it is the same why change it to use a warehouse.
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Re: Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech Tree

Postby Meliva » Sat Aug 31, 2019 8:21 pm

You know realism doesn't equal fun right? I mean if we REALLY want this game to be more realistic let's add in that every ship needs to carry X% amount of fruit or your crew dies from scurvy. Then let's add weather to this game, like hurricanes and storms that can randomly sink your ships.

While we're at it, add in a chance for your crew to mutiny if they get unhappy costing a ship and captain.

Games typically should only have a small degree of realism in my opinion. Because most folks play games to escape life-not to experience it in a different lens-especially one that is as horrible as sea life back in the days of piracy.
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Re: Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech Tree

Postby Whitcomb The Feared » Sun Sep 01, 2019 6:19 am

Yeah but between a bit of realism and no realism at all, there is a big difference :)
But I really think sad that this game is just a click game and an automatic, it could be much more.
But anyway ...

Deznuts, of course you have previous money to purchase the goods you trade, it’s exaclty the same now.
What I don’t understand it’s how the game is fun by having automatic trade routes which work automatically and the game is just clicking sometimes ... it’s boring quite fast without any strategy at all. And nothing really related to piracy of the 17-18 century, too bad
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Re: Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech Tree

Postby Meliva » Sun Sep 01, 2019 6:36 am

There already is a bit of realism in this game. Enough for me and from what I can tell every single player except you. If you'd like examples here.

Bigger ships are tougher then smaller ships. ships need crew and captains to sail. Ships need cannons to fire cannon balls. workers on plantations need food to survive. Crew, ships and cannons cost gold to keep in shape.

This game isn't automatic either. Yes you can set up trade routes, and just log in from time to time and let them run. But this can be dangerous if you don't keep an eye on them and other affairs. Port stock might empty out-and cause your fleets to trade nothing. A much better route might be available if you checked. A player could figure out your fleet layouts through constant skirmish.

And if auto trade isn't something you like you can do manual trade routes. Simply buy the goods and load them onto each ships, move the fleet, then sell manually. Repeat. Most don't do that since, it's a waste of time and no fun.
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Re: Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech Tree

Postby Mack » Sun Sep 01, 2019 1:11 pm

i like the idea of makeing assets vulnerable to plunder. but man that would be a real pain if you had several fleets to keep track of. this is one thing that got me too but there is no better solution in my mind that would not be too much to deal with.. if you have 50 fleets and are under attack is is already difficult to keep up with all those ships if you dont want to defleet..
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Re: Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech Tree

Postby DezNutz » Sun Sep 01, 2019 2:13 pm

Mack wrote:i like the idea of makeing assets vulnerable to plunder. but man that would be a real pain if you had several fleets to keep track of. this is one thing that got me too but there is no better solution in my mind that would not be too much to deal with.. if you have 50 fleets and are under attack is is already difficult to keep up with all those ships if you dont want to defleet..

Excellent point. If you were only managing a fleet or two, making other assets vulnerable to plunder would be a reasonable expectation.
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