Flagships : Baseline (Large)

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Re: Flagships : Daniks proposal

Postby Grimrock Litless » Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:16 pm

Danik wrote:Nope..more people might fight for more profit tho...

Wheres the profit if everyone is poor?
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Re: Flagships : Daniks proposal

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:21 pm

Lending them the funds to rebuild : did I mention my bank?
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Re: Flagships : Daniks proposal

Postby Shadowood » Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:37 pm

Danik wrote:I would like it to come from the players purse : still subject to the 250k (+AP bonus) overall cap tho.
For why? It might encourage more pirate plunders for more coin gauning more danger leading to more counter-fire from aggrieved victims and we all want more PVP, dont we!

I agree. Thank you
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Re: Flagships : Daniks proposal

Postby DezNutz » Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:48 pm

Danik wrote:6) In addition : Those flying the Black Flag of Piracy will gain a further special Trait : 'Elite Rummager'

To 'rummage' is to search a ship for treasure or contraband. Thus such a trait enables the Pirate to locate hidden wealth and valuables with the effect of doubling the plunder taken from the targets purse. This will apply to PVP and skirmish only seperate to any bonuses applied for techs or scrap for lost levels.

I think thats simple enough yet gives all flag owners a handy bonus : gives pirates a boost : recognises the value of a flagship taken in battle : doesnt produce an Over-powered super-ship : creates a credit-sinker : doesnt create a pool of ex-flags with superior abilities.


6) Whats in it for Pirates then? A special trait only given to ships flying both the Black Flag and the Flag-ship... um...flag. This gives a welcome 100% plunder bonus. Nice. But.. use it too often and DP accrues and risk of counter-fire, even total loss, multiplies.. so.. this could be a poisoned chalice to the unwary or careless.

Double Ship Value or Double Overall up to the cap?

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Re: Flagships : Daniks proposal

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:03 pm

100% bonus applies to 'normal' plunder = last ship value +% of purse up to the standard 250k cap. This to be taken from the targrts purse.
Scraps and piracy tech bonuses apply seperately as thry are paid by the game.
Skirmish plunder would be doubled plus any tech bonuses.
No effect on PVE plunders.
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Re: Flagships : Daniks proposal

Postby DezNutz » Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:09 pm

Danik wrote:100% bonus applies to 'normal' plunder = last ship value +% of purse up to the standard 250k cap. This to be taken from the targrts purse.
Scraps and piracy tech bonuses apply seperately as thry are paid by the game.
Skirmish plunder would be doubled plus any tech bonuses.
No effect on PVE plunders.

Ok I think that may be too much. You can sink a traders purse rather quickly as it stands.

I like the idea of it increasing the amount but not doubling the overall "normal" plunder.

What about doubling the last ship value and leaving the % of purse the same.
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Re: Flagships : Daniks proposal

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:10 pm

In addition : I belive the game is open to new traits to be created. Perhaps future traits could include new pirate-only ones giving the pirate flagship a choice of which they would like to bestow on their vessel : an example might be a ' Elite boarders' trait giving combat boosts.
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Re: Flagships : Daniks proposal

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:13 pm

DezNutz wrote:
Danik wrote:100% bonus applies to 'normal' plunder = last ship value +% of purse up to the standard 250k cap. This to be taken from the targrts purse.
Scraps and piracy tech bonuses apply seperately as thry are paid by the game.
Skirmish plunder would be doubled plus any tech bonuses.
No effect on PVE plunders.

Ok I think that may be too much. You can sink a traders purse rather quickly as it stands.

I like the idea of it increasing the amount but not doubling the overall "normal" plunder.

What about doubling the last ship value and leaving the % of purse the same.

Its a two-edged sword : yes they can burn a purse easier but only at the cost of loading their flag fleet with DP leaving themselves open to counter-attack. Only the fleet containing the flag-ship gets the bonus.
The overall cap remains the same to limit plunders while the purse us high. It pretty much becomes the same old story : how much purse you carry versus risk of plunders versus risk of total loss if it aint high enough.
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Re: Flagships : Daniks proposal

Postby Stan Rogers » Mon Mar 11, 2019 6:25 pm

DezNutz wrote:Ok I think that may be too much. You can sink a traders purse rather quickly as it stands.

I like the idea of it increasing the amount but not doubling the overall "normal" plunder.

What about doubling the last ship value and leaving the % of purse the same.

I don't think it would be too much Dez. If you have a serious war fleet or lots of trade fleets, most folks make sure their purse can stand a fair amount of abuse. Having the 250k cap mitigates abuse. Any number between 50 -100% I would be good with and remember, it's not cast in stone. Too much or too little can be easily adjusted.
It has to be worthwhile to the pirate. After all, he is going to rack up a fair amount of DP if he over uses the perk.
I also agree the bonus should come from the defenders purse.
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Re: Flagships : Daniks proposal

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Mar 11, 2019 6:48 pm

Have to bear in mind that if the pirate upsets the wrong target its worth the trader going after that flag-ship cos it will cost the pirate 50creds to make a new one on top of the vessel cost itself. Thats a sanction open to the trader or other target. Its not a free ride : the pirate will have to risk the flagship to one degree or another to claim that bonus and the bonus must be sizable enough to warrant the risk level arising.
The smart pirate will use that flagfleet sparingly : on the right target with the purse that gives the best return. The dumb pirate will smash away and load themselves up. Darwin will rule on who survives.
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