For the most part I agree with SHM and Danik. I really would like to get this moved forward. I think we have a hold up on only a couple of points, but I think we can come to a cohesive solution. Based on what we discussed I think this is where we stand and presents the best foot forward.
Points Agreed Upon:1) Dogger will replace all current fishing.
- Any current fishing fleets will function until the route is stopped.
- New routes will require doggers.
2) Doggers cannot travel between ports.
- Doggers can only fleet with other Doggers.
- Doggers can only fish at the port they are constructed/stolen/salvaged/placed on market from.
3) Doggers are a multi-level ship. (# of levels is still up for debate)
- Will require GoldBars to construct.
- Will require GoldBars for leveling.
- Each level increases rate of fishing.
4) No Attribute Allocation
- Ship has no attributes or attribute allocation
Points with Alternate Ideas:1) Ship Sink/Level Loss Chance From Plunder
- Minimum sink chance/level loss of at least 25%, 50% preferred.
- Normal Sink/Level Loss Chance applies if the chance is greater than the minimum.
- Reason: As the ship can be leveled, an automatic sink/level loss chance of 100% could not be worth the risk depending on the number of levels the dogger can have; however, fishing vessels are somewhat invisible and are completely defenseless, so there should never be a sink/level loss chance of 0%.
Points Pending Further Discussion:1) Ship Traits
- See no reason for Doggers to have traits.
- The only applicable traits would be Extra Cargo and Extra Level.
- Dogger has no defensive or offensive capabilities, all other traits would be moot.
2) Ship Stats and Fishing Rates
- Here are the options and rates (Image posted below info)
- First set of dogger data uses the existing fishing formula with a a max of 5 levels. Level 1 is the base ship as suggested in the first post by Captain Jack with no bonus applied, each additional level provides a +5 bonus to reach the full suggested rate.
- Second set of data is based on Danik's suggestion. Requires a change to the fishing formula as fishing is always 2 hours to fill per his suggestion. Each level adds 5 cargo space.
- Third set of dogger data is a compromise for levels. It uses the existing fishing formula with a max of 10 levels. Level 1 is the base ship as suggested in the first post by Captain Jack with no bonus applied, each additional level provides a +2 bonus to the fishing rate. Max fishing rate is 41 per hour instead of 43.
3) Net Damage.
- Needs discussion.
- Like the general idea, but unsure how the mechanics of slowing the fleet down would work.
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