Plantation Stock Market and more

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Plantation Stock Market and more

Postby Grimrock Litless » Wed Jan 16, 2019 5:59 am

To me, plantation seems like a good start to adding some corporation elements into the game, I am serious.

I have no idea how Stock Market in real life works, please don't hurt me.

Each Plantation and owner starts with 1000 stocks, which accounts to 100% Ownership of the plantation.

The owner can decide to sell any number or not. As long as he still have more than 50% ownership of it. He gains the money -1% tax. The money is sent to banks with the following
1) His bank if have space.
2) Largest bank that he is not locked out of
3) His hand if there is no bank he can use (Being a pirate or because he has blacklist/cannot use any banks.)

Price of each stock piece is,
Money made in the plantation the whole last 365 days / 365
(Updates every day)
(Price is low if the plantation is new)
(This calculation basically ensures there is no way to exploit this without time)

Plantation still works normally, the person with 51% ownership still takes full control over what is done in the plantation. (Fire/Hire/Buildup/Acres control)

Money made is from the plantation is split. The owner with will always get a minimum of 60% income. (The rest, 40% will be split equally, 1% of 40% if 1% of stock control, or 0.1% of 40% if 0.1% of stock control, etc.

People with stock can decide to sell them to those who wants to buy, following the price of the time.

When no one has 51% or more control, it will unlock the vote ability for the people.
The income is spread equally.
This will decide if something is done. (Fire/Hire/Buildup/Acres control)

Votes for an action is by % (If more than 50% agrees to do something like spend 5000 gb to improve Housing or to even switch it)
Resource use of gold bar is used spread out by control. (40% control will have to spend 40% of the cost in gold bars)
Normal resource use is in cost by the largest controller, spread out to those who have equal largest control.

The original owner who had more than 50% control will no longer be the owner if drops below more than 50%, if and will still have stock pieces, he can also build a new plantation on that port again.

If a person have 2 plantations in the same port that he suddenly have more than 50% ownership, the stocks merges and is divided by 2, Acres, Improvements and Workers merges.

Every % is done right to their decimals of 0.1%


Ah, shatz, became a bigger mess than it needed to be, could have just have the max stocks of each plantation to be 100.

Oh well.
"Got ya."
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Grimrock Litless
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Re: Plantation Stock Market and more

Postby DezNutz » Wed Jan 16, 2019 6:51 am

Well, where to begin.

Grimrock Litless wrote:To me, plantation seems like a good start to adding some corporation elements into the game, I am serious.

This statement is about the only quality point in the suggestion.

The rest of the suggestion is problematic at best and for the most part, just bad.

The only way I could see this being a consideration, is both a lot of work is done to fix and update this suggestions and if port nations could designate acres dedicated to port resource production that nation players could buy into via shares.
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