Captain Jack wrote:2 notes for this:
-The time limit is not really of any use. Owners should be able to sell directly to the shipwright any listing they have (without a bid). So this is where thew approved refers.
Additionally, I also suggest we should impose a credit price reduction for existing listings. Like 1% reduction per week (1 credit minimum). So a ship at 100 credits, will get down to 1 after 99 weeks (nearly 2 years).
Additionally, Howkers/Cutters/Sloops that remain at 1 credit for more than 4 weeks, on the 5th week they will be automatically sold to the shipwright.
The two proposals will mostly affect listings from inactive players but it can also act as assistance to active players where the market itself will gradually reduce the price for each listing till they reach a market value.
Finally, a little off topic but still relevant is that we can use the same policy for voodoo card lists and track the relisting times. Then the player itself could set the rules for any price adjustment (ie 1% after each relist or after 3 relists).
I think it would be fair that any ship that sits at 1 credit for 4 weeks without a bid should be automatically sold to the shipwright.
I'm wondering if 1% reduction is a little slow. Maybe a tiered system that gets more progressive every 4 weeks. So if no bids after a week, it drops 1 credit each week for 4 weeks, if no bid, it reduces by 2 credits per week for 4 weeks, etc, etc.
I also think that MoWs should be exempt from being sold to shipwright, since you can't build them. Although I doubt it would ever get to that point, but just in case.
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