What do I mean by a port-dependent tavern? I mean that players can go to a port and when making a post, can choose to keep it port specific. Instead of having the forum be port-specific, maybe there could be a chat room-type feature added where every player inside of that port, whether they have ships there or a warehouse is built, can talk.
I think this would just be an interesting feature to have because it adds ease of conversation between others that you might not talk to on a regular basis or at all. Perhaps the governors could control some features of it (I'd like to hear some ideas over what this could be, such as maximum # of posts in an allotted time period, etc.).
"Hey guys! Anyone heard from Chalbaud recently?"
"Yea, he was talking about an hour ago... Good luck finding him now."
Before anyone sings at the top of their lungs about the current chat room option... let's be honest, no one uses that and the idea of port-specific chat seems very intriguing to me.