What we want to achieve, is to make expansion at more than 500 trading ships an investment that pays back less when compared to a naked (no infrastructure) plantation with reasonable permission/rental costs.
If we look to the top 10 plantations in terms of production per acre, we will get the following:
- Code: Select all
# Owner Size Production
per Acre (Units)
1 New Land Feniks (#65591) Large 107
2 Psaral Banger (#67360) Large 104
3 Psaral Noffin (#53779) Mega 102
4 Thorakas william one eye (#58369) Large 82
5 Goroum Noffin (#53779) Large 77
6 Goroum Feniks (#65591) Normal 77
7 Baramas Astragek (#66222) Oversized 76
8 Goroum Jim Hawkins (#14972) Large 70
9 Vaasburg Jim Hawkins (#14972) Oversized 68
10 Chalkos Lodswe (#35322) Oversized 63
It is still too early and we expect this figures to improve considerably. It plays a great role whether you have excess acres on this stat. Feniks is pulling 77 on a normal sized plantation for example and 107 at a large size production. Surely, this new ranking category will help you all determine what to improve and get the most out of every acre.
Another decisive factor is how many workers you employ to other infrastructure and whether or not the acres applied there are well distributed.
Finally, it is important to underline that laborers can take a large portion of production early on if you are using them in mass to speed construction. At our profitability measurement, we do not want to include their cost as this falls into another category; the profitability of a developed plantation.
We will focus here for profitability on plantations with no infrastructure, to get to the point we want.
So,we need to beat 250 days ROI for certain. Then perhaps compete a bit with real profit as well. All the stats we will use, will be based from the stats you have managed to produce early on at this 2 weeks that plantations have been with us. This is the fair way to go forward as this feature at some point will be a case for newcomers too.
So, our top 10 stats right now signify that the average top production per acre, is 83 units per acre. This generates 83 * 7 = 581 gc per day. A 1000 acres plantation, as a result, will generate 581k of income per day, on these metrics.
What we now need to get, is how many fleets are needed to keep the needed workers to produce these, when health and morale is at 0%. An average as many other things matter.
To get this, we will have a look at deaths yesterday versus units production. From the top producing ones, only 2 had casualties yesterday and this makes them candidates for our metrics:
- Code: Select all
Astragek 76.4 units, 188,645 casualties
Jim Hawkins 68.1 units, 41,553 casualties
If we check top casualties instead, we get these:
- Code: Select all
Owner Units Casualties
The Accountant 122,510 252,082
Astragek 267,432 188,645
Black Sparrow 78,052 162,212
Caladan 56,777 123,865
xXMontyXx 21,386 117,029
Caladan 52,060 103,802
Kangaroo 59,729 95,394
The Accountant 96,201 94,009
Kangaroo 68,900 77,756
Adam Smith 54,530 70,937
Before we analyze the data above, let's estimate capacity per 5xLMM fleet per day.
That's 600*2*12 = 14.4k immigrants per fleet
At a cost of 22k to 68k
Income generated: Crates Produced * 7
Fleets required: Casualties/14.4k
- Code: Select all
Owner Total Income FleetsRequired
The Accountant 857,570 17
Astragek 1,872,024 13
Black Sparrow 546,364 11
Caladan 397,439 8
xXMontyXx 149,702 8
Caladan 364,420 7
Kangaroo 418,103 6
The Accountant 673,407 6.5
Kangaroo 482,300 5
Adam Smith 381,710 5
If we want to calculate actual plantation profit based on fleets required for those above, then we get this table:
- Code: Select all
Owner Profit
Astragek 142,899
The Accountant 103,150
Kangaroo 89,319
Adam Smith 77,486
Kangaroo 63,114
Caladan 50,554
The Accountant 48,988
Black Sparrow 48,502
Caladan 46,205
xXMontyXx 18,420
The tables above, signify the maximum, currently available, profit per fleet without calculating the other half of the journey for the fleet.
Now, if we add 22k to each fleet, that they should definitely be making at the very least, then we can see the following:
- Code: Select all
Astragek 164,899
The Accountant 125,150
Kangaroo 111,319
Adam Smith 99,486
Kangaroo 85,114
Caladan 72,554
The Accountant 70,988
Black Sparrow 70,502
Caladan 68,205
xXMontyXx 40,420
I am not saying that any of the above is making this profit yet though, as we do not know how many fleets they actually employ and what kind of fleets these are. However, the metrics above show how many fleets they need to maintain current profitability. There are surely rooms for improvement.
Remember, these are not the best case scenarios. We just took the top 10 plantations with most casualties. I am assuming that these plantations have already reached 0 health and 0 morale and most , if not all, are using workers for improving infrastructure.
The examples above do not include improvement costs - these are not of our concern anyway as we do not want to calculated developed plantations profitability (which should be great anyway, as it will be mostly passive).
We do not include operation/rental costs (these will be dictated by players. We only need to provide more metrics to everyone involved to allow you to calculate easier what you want to spend to compete).
We do not include upkeep costs - but these should be near 0 anyway as most of your workers will work at the fields.
We not include initial construction permission cost. These should zero with time though as they are permanent so it would not be prudent to include them. With current credits value, its around 20M which is not a big figure for anyone running 20+ fleets.
We are mostly comparing plantation income versus trade income based on initial investment.