Meliva wrote:TheLoveTiger wrote:Clockwork wrote:Because of this, ill be contacting our guild to see if we should make alkobra quit the game. Real professional tiger. Your so scary with your fugis.
CJ sounds like this is a Confession to someone trying to break the rules.
I don't have time to read the BS 12 pages of your whining. All I know is the hit backs were good but not enough to make me even want to stop what I was doing. RL took control of my time this week, but don't worry I have plenty of time to finish where we left off. You will not get an apology from me as I am enjoying this and you never levi'ed any of my ships, just sabotaged a basic LFG. What else have you done besides spam voodoo and turn burning? You want to escalate this further lets go
If it seems like he is breaking the rules you should report it to admin-as im not sure if he reads every topic and post and might not see this thread, and since I personally don't have all the details of the situation I would rather not report a rule break in case I'm mistaken. However I do agree that if he does indeed try to make alkobra quit the game that is griefing, and I recommend he takes a breath and rethinks his actions. This is a game, its meant to be fun, but running someone out of the game should NEVER be something someone should do.
I will absolutely not allow anyone in our guild to push someone out of the game. The whole purpose of The Shield is to keep players active. Kobra will not leave us alone though so retaliation may be the only answer. However I would never push anyone out of the game and if any of my guild mates try it will become an issue. Kobra and Tiger are griefing the guild though attacking new players who have nothing to lose and making them want to quit.