Role-Play Catastrophes Across Avonmora.

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Re: Role-Play Catastrophes Across Avonmora.

Postby Jack Teach » Thu May 24, 2018 12:08 am

Jack steps off his frigate, smiling broadly, looking extremely spry. He walks over the group singing, and a good amount of his men step off with him, as well as the priest. Jack walks over to the group, his tricorne featuring a white feather and jack himself looks cleaner than most could think possible.

So, any news?
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Re: Role-Play Catastrophes Across Avonmora.

Postby Meliva » Thu May 24, 2018 12:22 am

Emily steps forward and nods, she's still missing her left hand but seems pretty happy, though she does look a bit worried.

Well the good news is that we found out where she's hiding, the bad news is its not going to be easy getting to her. She has tons of traps, guards and defenses set up. But once Agnar shows up we can head out.

She remembers something and quickly adds on.

Oh, and the Mages guild is planning an assault of their own. They plan to try to take her out theirselves if possible, if not to clear the way as much as they can for us. She really messed up trying to fight Vune, she can be very harsh against enemies.
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Re: Role-Play Catastrophes Across Avonmora.

Postby Jack Teach » Thu May 24, 2018 12:26 am

Jack removes his hat

Where exactly is her hideout?
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Re: Role-Play Catastrophes Across Avonmora.

Postby Meliva » Thu May 24, 2018 12:33 am

Emily laughs a little.

It's kind of funny in a way. Its very deep below the arena the mages guild built here a while ago. Vune told me It took them AGES to find it because they didn't think she'd be right under their noses. The guild is currently making a tunnel leading as close to it as they can underneath the arena as we speak. Then once done with that, they will launch an assault. Vune told me she would contact me when they succeed or fail in their assault. They plan to make a path for us just in case they can't finish her off themselves, but honestly I think Vune is just being lazy and wants us to take care of her.
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Re: Role-Play Catastrophes Across Avonmora.

Postby Jack Teach » Thu May 24, 2018 12:38 am

Jack watches as some men remove a 12 pounder gun and put in in a wagon that was "borrowed" from someone. Jack grins

If we could get that down there, we could fire grapeshot and blow anything in front of us away. Good idea? Or not?
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Re: Role-Play Catastrophes Across Avonmora.

Postby Meliva » Thu May 24, 2018 12:40 am

Emily shrugs.

Well other then what Vune told me, I don't know what exactly is down there. She just said its full of traps, guards and various other defenses, but didn't mention any specifics. I imagine when she comes out she will tell me more, but it won't hurt to prepare that ahead of time.
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Re: Role-Play Catastrophes Across Avonmora.

Postby Jack Teach » Thu May 24, 2018 12:46 am

Jack puts his hat back on and wearily looks about.

We should go to the tavern...
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Re: Role-Play Catastrophes Across Avonmora.

Postby Meliva » Thu May 24, 2018 12:54 am

Emily nods as Brian and Carl begin showing Jack the tavern the groups been staying at. They take a seat in a nice corner table as Emily calls for drinks for them before speaking.

Mages guild own this tavern, so drink what you want. Rooms are upstairs too, just ask the bartender for a room.
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Re: Role-Play Catastrophes Across Avonmora.

Postby Jack Teach » Thu May 24, 2018 1:04 am

Jack orders a glass of porter and looks to Emily

Something rather interesting happened on the way here. We took possession of two noblewoman for ransom, but Vune, ordered us to let them go, or she'd destroy the ship. She lead us to a fleet of unarmed slavers, which we then took. Whilst I heartily appreciate the immense amount of profit we made and the fact that we saved some innocents, I don't appreciate these threats of violence, or the fact that I was ordered to do something that we probably would have done anyway, they were sailing on the same tack and with far lesser speed, we would have caught them anyway. Is there any way that you could persuade her from not doing that again?
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Re: Role-Play Catastrophes Across Avonmora.

Postby Meliva » Thu May 24, 2018 1:18 am

Emily thinks for a bit before responding as Brian and Carl get a drink.

She's the leader of the Mage guild, and easily one of the strongest mages in the world. If she wants to do something very little can be done to stop her. But i can certainly try to persuade her to leave you alone, she does like me after all. Veera on the other hand will probably try to convince her to mess with you more. Though thankfully she likes Veera far less then she likes me. There's a reason she calls Veera Imp, and me moppet after all.
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