Port Population Consumption & Growth Rate (Small)

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Re: Port Population Consumption & Growth Rate

Postby sXs » Tue Mar 13, 2018 9:09 pm

Also, this opens up the scenario of using BD and TIs as tools to influence port prices with absolutely no defense against these cards.
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Re: Port Population Consumption & Growth Rate

Postby Yekin » Tue Mar 13, 2018 9:49 pm

So I think a big issue lies in ports requiring all resources. Some ports are very far away from certain resources, the pricing limits shown in CJ's other post I don't feel could ever make these routes profitable enough. Traders aren't going to run routes just to fill a port's warehouse they need the profit. I fail to understand how these routes would be able to maintain importance. No one is willing to run a party route (large profit margin) from Chalkos to Akrotiri let alone a regular trade route.
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Re: Port Population Consumption & Growth Rate

Postby Shadowood » Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:03 pm

Yekin wrote:So I think a big issue lies in ports requiring all resources. Some ports are very far away from certain resources, the pricing limits shown in CJ's other post I don't feel could ever make these routes profitable enough. Traders aren't going to run routes just to fill a port's warehouse they need the profit. I fail to understand how these routes would be able to maintain importance. No one is willing to run a party route (large profit margin) from Chalkos to Akrotiri let alone a regular trade route.

I too misunderstood this part of the post. CJ is not requiring all resources in all ports. He is just saying all “current” resources will be consumed.
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Re: Port Population Consumption & Growth Rate

Postby Yekin » Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:14 pm

Shadowood wrote:
Yekin wrote:So I think a big issue lies in ports requiring all resources. Some ports are very far away from certain resources, the pricing limits shown in CJ's other post I don't feel could ever make these routes profitable enough. Traders aren't going to run routes just to fill a port's warehouse they need the profit. I fail to understand how these routes would be able to maintain importance. No one is willing to run a party route (large profit margin) from Chalkos to Akrotiri let alone a regular trade route.

I too misunderstood this part of the post. CJ is not requiring all resources in all ports. He is just saying all “current” resources will be consumed.

That's for each resource though. When a port can provide all 7 resources, then the growth rate would be 0.7%
If the port could not provide any resource at all, it would be -0.7%

What about this though^ it is saying all resources will be required to not get a negative growth.
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Re: Port Population Consumption & Growth Rate

Postby sXs » Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:19 pm

Yekin wrote:So I think a big issue lies in ports requiring all resources. Some ports are very far away from certain resources, the pricing limits shown in CJ's other post I don't feel could ever make these routes profitable enough. Traders aren't going to run routes just to fill a port's warehouse they need the profit. I fail to understand how these routes would be able to maintain importance. No one is willing to run a party route (large profit margin) from Chalkos to Akrotiri let alone a regular trade route.

Wont just be traders though. Nations will fill ports to keep port population up for the tax revenue. I am still working through this but as it stands i think it will actually have the complete opposite affect that CJ is aiming for.

It is hard to predict trader and nation reaction to this at first but basic market mechanics points to no profit in either trade or nations.
It needs to be tweaked quite a bit.

Nations build population. Demand for goods increase but to maintain the population supplies need to be stocked above 1 billion every 3 days. This will be up to the nation to maintain this level. In that scenario no actual trade will take place in the port because the port will pay base -2 for resources, and because of the depressed price for goods nations will not be able to run ship to supply the port.

Every aspect of this throws traders under the bus i fear.
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Re: Port Population Consumption & Growth Rate

Postby Shadowood » Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:29 pm

Ok.. Yep, then I did read it right...
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Re: Port Population Consumption & Growth Rate

Postby Qwerty00172 » Tue Mar 13, 2018 11:01 pm

A lot of this stuff is going over my head, but one thing I was surprised with when I started PG (in terms of resource consumption) was that you only needed gold coin to upgrade ships and you could do it anytime. So a big rich player could develop fleets at a very fast rate.
I sort of expected that when I wanted to raise the level of a sloop from 1 to 2, it would be docked for a while and I'd have to supply more tools, labour (via port influence) and, say cotton for sail upgrades or iron for scantling.
The bigger the ship, the more resources required for levelling up and more dock time required, almost exponentially. I didn't expect to see so many lvl 10 SoTLs cruising around. Because of the time and resource investment required, the average fighting ship used (I expected) might be a low level frig, and SotLs viewed more like we see MoWs now, a real prize ship.
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Re: Port Population Consumption & Growth Rate

Postby Captain Jack » Wed Mar 14, 2018 4:09 pm

Yekin wrote:
Shadowood wrote:
Yekin wrote:So I think a big issue lies in ports requiring all resources. Some ports are very far away from certain resources, the pricing limits shown in CJ's other post I don't feel could ever make these routes profitable enough. Traders aren't going to run routes just to fill a port's warehouse they need the profit. I fail to understand how these routes would be able to maintain importance. No one is willing to run a party route (large profit margin) from Chalkos to Akrotiri let alone a regular trade route.

I too misunderstood this part of the post. CJ is not requiring all resources in all ports. He is just saying all “current” resources will be consumed.

That's for each resource though. When a port can provide all 7 resources, then the growth rate would be 0.7%
If the port could not provide any resource at all, it would be -0.7%

What about this though^ it is saying all resources will be required to not get a negative growth.

The formula is for each resource. It will be calculated for every resource. Then results will be added together.

For example, -0.07 + 0.05 - 0.06 - 0.05 + 0.05 - 0.07 - 0.07 = -0.22% (That's the final growth rate)

I do not get the problem you mention Feniks.
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Re: Port Population Consumption & Growth Rate

Postby sXs » Wed Mar 14, 2018 4:22 pm

Captain Jack wrote:
The formula is for each resource. It will be calculated for every resource. Then results will be added together.

For example, -0.07 + 0.05 - 0.06 - 0.05 + 0.05 - 0.07 - 0.07 = -0.22% (That's the final growth rate)

I do not get the problem you mention Feniks.

#1 Well if all ports trade in all resources then all resources will flow to the highest price. Once the price starts to fall they go to the next highest and so on. At the consumption rates you list, the prices will fall from resupply faster than they will correct due to consumption. At least in the few scenarios i ran.

#2. Because traders follow price(free market economics) they will all pretty much follow port to port as a group.

#3 because prices fall due to oversupply faster than the consumption rate there will eventually be a balancing point where all ports will pay the same price for supplies. iIf there is no difference in price paid, trade is limited.

It is hard to explain, but #1 consumption rates may need to be changed. #2 Ports that produce a specific supply should have a completely different price structure to ensure there is profitability. Example: Akrotiri should have base price for rum x .8 to ensure that there can be a profit made trading. That would also require consumption and rates of rum to be adjusted in that specific port so market influence doesn't change it dramatically.

Unless I am completely misunderstanding how you laid things out.
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Re: Port Population Consumption & Growth Rate

Postby Stan Rogers » Wed Mar 14, 2018 4:36 pm

Feniks wrote:#2. Because traders follow price(free market economics) they will all pretty much follow port to port as a group.

Small time traders and new players will seek out the most profitable routes however I highly doubt, due to the work and time involved, big traders are not going to "chase" the best prices. It is too labour/time intensive to redirect 100 fleets every 3 days.

This is especially true at it takes 24 hrs for fleets to readjust their routes and settle into a new routine.
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