Captain Jack wrote:For pacts, we are moving to new type of solution that will work through diplomacy.
Nation officials will set through one law whether they want to give out port perks to other nations, perks similar to the ones they enjoy.
For every perk they give out, they will be able to set a fee.
They will be doing this for every possible relationship in the law:
-No relationship
-Cease Fire
-Peace Treaty
(war is excluded)
Then, once the law is published, the rest of the nations will get to pick whether they want to activate such perks. Either through a law again or through the rightful king. The certain part is that the payment will be through treasury to treasury and that there will be max caps to what a nation can charge. Also, perks will be title based too, like it happens for the citizens of the same nation.
The plan above solves a lot of issues we had in the management part that prevented us from implementing them right away. We could use the same model for all types of pacts but it is evident that we will give priority to port perks.
The problematic parts that still need to be solved on paper, before we move to code are whether or not nations should be able to specify ports or not. At one hand, it sounds good for ports to be able to offer different ports for different prices but on another hand, this will create complexion for both the system and players. So most probably, ports selection will not be an option.
Another problematic part is the amount of power such pacts will give to existing nations. Such system could create monopolies which could result in seeing all the ports under one nation. It's really a difficult step forward.
Although this is not a real concern right now, I have one suggestion.
If peace treaty is enacted between two nations, there should be a default hostility penalty set. Right now, You can set alliance or peace treaty with no penalty if nation does not have hostility laws enacted. This renders the treaty useless as a tool of diplomacy.
Something maybe to address after plantation, flagships...... but before blockades i would think.