This is designed to limit the profitability of pure witch doctor game play without having a significant effect on other play styles.
This is a proposal to create a dual turn system designed to limit casting without risk. This to be achieved by adding a new set of turns for casting use only.
In order to gain full voodoo casting acess, players would have to put assets at risk by performing naval movement tasks.
Action turns would be our current turn system.
and these turns could no longer be used to cast most voodoo.
Casting turns would only be able to be used to cast voodoo.
Action Turns - uses current system
Earned 1 per ten minutes - up to 200
can buy double storage - earns 1 per 10 min up to 400
can buy double rate
can buy 50 turns, 100 turns, 200 turns for credits
can store a maximum of 600 action turns
Casting Turns -
Earned 1 per hour - up to 150
can buy double storage earns 1 per hour up to 300
can buy 75 turns for 7 credits, 150 turns for 20 credits
can store maximum of 450 casting turns
Earning additional casting turns
By battle -
earn 5 casting turns per plunder win
earn 5 casting turns per skirmish win
earn 15 casting turns per ship capture
by trade
earn 1 casting turns per every 2,500 crates delivered
earn 1 casting turns per every 100s gold bar delivered
Exceptions to this rule would be certain voodoo where
you could select to either use casting or action turns.
before casting
turn voodoo.
turn voodoo could be toggled.
Death poker - If you are gambling for casting turns
you use and earn casting turns
If you are gambling for action turns
you use and earn action turns
self sacrifice - you can only give casting turns for casting turns or action turns for action turns.
time spiral - select casting or action - defaults to attack casting turns.
On casters end - Uses what ever type of turns you are attacking
-2 - 4 casting turns
-4 - 7 action turns
For casting turns you can only receive 15 successful self sacrifice casts per 24 hours.
npc voodoo
coastal patrol
coastal piracy
aid voodoo
buried treasure (could be test voodoo - maybe not )
If admin felt this system gives to many total turns,
my suggestion is to reduce the action turn storage limits
150, 300 (double) and 450 (double plus buy)
and reduce the purchase turn for credit lot sizes and prices.