Captain Jack wrote:If you got anything else in mind or would like to contemplate on the above, please be my guest.
Finally, there is a tough period ahead. The main source of getting new players is now closed and we need to improve this within the next 3 months or we will see a decline in active playerbase. We believe that Plantations will bring back a small portion of players and will also renew the interest of the existing playerbase. However they will not be enough. We will need to have a ready plan to execute right after plantations. A plan that will mostly improve retention rates so we can then rely solely on advertising for newcomers. Then we will be able to continue long term development, like Blockades.
I know different players have different views on what they would like to see implemented, but I also know those who are invested in this game don't want to see it go. They would like to see it grow and grow. Player retention is paramount in my eyes. We need a bigger player base. We need more players like (One Eye, Yosarian, Stan Rogers, PHX, Charles Vane, DezNuts)... We do attract new players who get it and and stay like (Dman, PFH, Thalius Hayle, Kangaroo), but I look at the just joined list and always wonder.. Why don't we have more??
Along with continued new game content that will KEEP active members playing and might even attract old players back, we do need more help with keeping newly joined players interested.
There are several people that join/look at the game and say NOPE. And just leave.
Thats fine... Its the players that play for a 1-3 days and give up, that needs to be our focus. Why after a short period of time did they leave? What would change their minds to stay? In my opinion, this is where the focus should lie. Now I of course don't have the magic answer to this but I believe we as a community have come forward in the past with some decent ideas regarding this problem. I would encourage all who have posted something about this issue to provide a link below on the subject. (I know ADMIN loves suggestions
In my mind....
Finish out 1.9 as soon as possible and get Plantations established. I do agree with CJ that this will be a shot in the arm that some need. It will drive interest and excitement that has been missing a bit lately.
2.0 Plantation - See above. This will be great to see and play with. It will provide us with months of new play. Also to work out some bugs I am sure, but it will be fun to dive in none the less.
What I would like to see is in 2.0 is to set up some future items the will assist in Player Retention. We need some more Guild Controls. Some items have been discussed before. Guild Bank is top of my list right now. It will come in play soon. (Reserved to add more guild controls here soon)
2.1 Ship Specialization (This is huge! On many levels I see this as a must)
2.15 Contract Shipping (I also see Contract Shipping as a why to help newer players advance. Of course they will have to pay for it, but advance.)
2.2 Blockades (Just a fun kick ass feature that will provide hours of fun game play. This will keep players, no matter what Danik says.
2.3 Flagship
Ship Specialization in my mind is desperately needed. The player who Plunders, Skirmish, Attack, Use Voodoo need a change up of how and why they attack. The recent changes with Ship Sink Chance and Skirmish were great additions, but I'm talking much bigger. I see CJ's lvl 74 MoW on the plunder board and I lose my mind. I WANT THAT! HOW WOULD THE GAME PLAY WITH THAT? HOW WOULD VOODOO EFFECT IT? A lot of different things come in my mind. Not just levels of ships (which would be TOTALLY EASY to change in the game I'm sure), but actually different abilities for each different ship. There are several topics on this discussion....
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1778&hilit=ship+specializationviewtopic.php?f=23&t=254&hilit=ship+specializationviewtopic.php?f=4&t=3073&hilit=ship+specializationThe strategy involved that goes along with Ship Specialization would play huge dividends for those players (new and old) looking for a strategy based game. How can I set up my ships to make them the best. In what ever aspect of the game they choose.
Player Retention:
1. More missions, quest based system. Players like to receive those awards/rewards and work hard to achieve them. Why does this stop? Why don't I get a "Your Gold Smith is Level 20 Reward" for the 2 billion and 1 year I just invested into this thing.
2. A daily log in bonus - Most games have this. A good argument is the daily Voodoo Present is this... I think we can expand this.
3. Better start up instructions. IDK. It been 2 years since I last did it. But I don't remember it being the best. I might have to quit as Shadowood and restart...
4. Guilds - Training Guilds do a good job now and it is hard to teach a lot of members. I remember in TOR we had our member list up to 40-50 at one point. I know SHM and BS had HELM up to 50+ at one point as well. This is taxing on trainers. It is one of the reasons I stepped down and started VUDU. But I think a time might come soon that I start to train again. (we did take in Banger..
What are your thoughts guys. I know you like/love this game as much as me.
I also know and respect that fact that our game is 'restricted' a bit by the size of our development team. I have no confirmation on this but I think its just CJ +1. This can't be their full time gig either, unless BIGTEA comes back. We players want new content so fast, but there is only so much that CJ can do, and I get this. But I also have felt the frustration that others of felt in wanting new content or seeing a great idea be shot down by 1 or 2 players, only to see it abandoned or put on the back burner.... I do not envy CJ's job as a developer on this point at all. We all have our own opinions, and of course our opinions are always the best. And I think CJ has done a great job in hearing out everyones opinions on all topics. Yes even you NELSON, even though you get banned more than a Nude Pic on Facebook. CJ hears you.