Role-play: Fame and fortune

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Role-play: Fame and fortune

Postby Jack Teach » Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:45 am

Ok, so the other roleplaying thread is just about dead so I have started another one. As always, please prescribe to the normal rules of roleplaying and the additional rules here:
1) All non talking character actions and descriptions must be written in Italics.

2) Non-Italics is your character talking.

3) Keep full discussions limited to other players, if you converse with an NPC created for the storyline, you must also create their response. Responses must be appropriate for their character and backstory.

4) If you introduce a new NPC to the story that didn't previously exist, you must provide a basic backstory for them in the event another player interacts with them.

(I stole these from the other one)

This role-play needs to be uniformed and I encourage you to use a character that fits the age of gunpowder era but that is not required. Additionally, do not post pictures here unless they pertain to the story. I encourage you to be vivid in your description of your character and actions. Fighting is aloud, violence is encouraged, ANYTHING too sexual or lewd will be reported.

Next post I make begins role-play!
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Jack Teach
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Re: Role-play: Fame and fortune

Postby Jack Teach » Sun Dec 17, 2017 5:49 am

It just a normal day in Tortuga, literally everything is normal there. except for the robberies. Merchants report having there money robbed at the point of weapons. A known corrupt city official was walking down the street when he we was robbed at swordpoint by a group of buccaneers led by a young man with a short goatee and mustache dressed in an old tricorne hat, boots, frock coat, and sash . The man walks down the street stolen goods in hand to the docks.
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Jack Teach
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Re: Role-play: Fame and fortune

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Sun Dec 17, 2017 6:31 am

Sir Henry Morgan steps out into the street, noting the man, hands full of plunder.

Hey, mate....
The man stops and turns. Morgan walks up to him, looking him coldly in the eyes. Suddenly, he stops, picking up something on the ground. Handing it to the man,

Ye dropped this. Best take care of ye swag, there be pirates about.

Turning, Morgan saunters into the crowd.
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Sir Henry Morgan
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Re: Role-play: Fame and fortune

Postby Jack Teach » Sun Dec 17, 2017 2:25 pm

The young man thanks Morgan and walks back to his ship drops off his plunder there and then he heads to the tavern. He buys a rum and sits down next to a wanted poster bearing his name and crimes.
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Jack Teach
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