Guild Wars
Much like the Port Blockade suggestion, there will be Phases to battle:
Start up
Defense Setup
In my idea, each guild will have a territory with a stronghold they are protecting. Each territory will have 8 Zones as to which will need to be defended. Here is a crude graphic as to my thought.
Start up
- Guilds can send a formal invite to war. Once accepted there is a 24 hour initialize period
- During this period players may select what ships and how many they will add to the war
- Once a ship/fleet is added it will be untouchable in regular play. Safe from voodoo
- This is an important phase for player to bring their big guns out of Marina to play with
Setup Defense:
- 24 Hour Set up Period
- Each Zone needs to be filled with a minimum 5 Fleets / max 15 Fleets.
- Each Defending Fleet needs to be full with 5 Ships.
- 1 Player can fill max of 3 Fleets per zone if needed.
- Once a Fleet has been placed on Defense, IT MAY NOT BE USED ON OFFENSE.
- The other guild will not be able to see your defensive set up until the Attack Phase.
Attack Phase:
- 24 Hours Long
- Once you use a ship/fleet you may not use it again even if you won the battle
- If you lose a battle the defending persons ship(s) will be damaged, he may not repair. But his fleet remains until defeated. (exactly like nation missions when trying to beat the NPC Henry Morgan)
- Attackers may use any combo of numbers of ships, but again, once you use it you may not use it again.
Finalize Phase:
- Once battle is over there will be a 24 hour cool down period. During this time, player can elect to put their prize ships back in their hideouts.
- Points are tallied
- Prizes are awarded at the end of this phase
Game Play and Point Structure:
- At start of Attack Phase, player will be able to view all fleets in the defensive positions in Zone 1 & 2. You will see Fleet Make up, Whos fleet it is and an "Attack" button next to them. Much like how a Plunder Screen looks today.
- Once you defeat a zone it will unlock the Touching Zones behind it. So if you beat Zone 2, you will be able to see and attack fleets in Zone 4 & 5
- If you unlock zone 4 you will be able to see the whole back row. Zone 4 will be a strategic zone because of this fact
- You don't have to beat all zones to win. But extra points will be awarded if you "Sweep" them all
- 5 Points are awarded to an attacker who defeats a fleet in Zone 1 & 2
- 10 Points are awarded to an attacker who defeats a fleet in Zone 3, 4 or 5
- 20 Points are awarded to an attacker who defeats a fleet in Zone 6, 7 or 8
- 10 Points are awarded to ANY Defensive win in any zone to the Defending Player
- 50 Points are awarded to All Players who helped reach the "Stronghold" (the stonghold is reached once zone 6, 7 or 8 falls)
- 100 Bonus Points are awarded to a guild who "Sweeps" all Zones.
Points will be tracked individually to see who in your guild is the best of the best.
Points will be TOTALED for both Guilds. The Guild with the most points wins.
I would say it is possible to win even is you don't reach the Stronghold, but unlikely
- I suggest that each guild put in a something. $25 - 100 million gold coin. To the victor goes the spoils. (this is where a guild bank would come in handle as well)
- Badges to the Winning Team
- Badge to the Top Point Earner on Winning Team
- Winning Guild to recieve FROM GAME ?? $50,000,000 to be deposited in guild bank. Guilds can decide how to divide up. (open for suggestion from CJ and players here
- Top 3 point earners from both guilds get voodoo packs.
---- 1st Place (3) packs
---- 2nd Place (2) packs
---- 3rd Place (1) pack
----- These prizes will encourage participation
This is the best part. There are multiple ways to play this. This will be difficult due to two fact. Once you place a fleet on Defense you Cannot use it on offense. This forces you to decide what to place and where. Second, on Offense you may only use a ship/fleet one time. So if the Defender has 5 Frigates in Zone 1 and you know your 1 MoW can take them all out.. You don't know what the Defenders have on the Back Row (6, 7 and 8) that is defending their Stronghold. You may need that MoW to take them down.
Oh and NO VOODOO is allowed in this feature. Straight up Ship vs Ship, Guild vs Guild, Strategy vs Strategy...
I see this as a way to gain more Guild participation.
I see this as way to put more fleets out on the water and give incentive to.
I see this as a fun safe way to play with your ships that are parked in your Marinas that you never touch, but look at and dream about using
I would love your feedback as always. I hope you guys like this.