Port Blockades (Large)

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Re: Port Blockades

Postby Sebena » Sat Oct 28, 2017 6:55 pm

Feniks wrote:
Danik wrote:And the defenders must also risk their power fleets to beat that fleet, and whatever else comes at them : their fleets will also gain DP at battles end. They will also fall prey to the hunters who will wait to pick off the carcasses. Again, why should they? they gain nothing by winning. Others may gain : merchants freely trading, hunters scavenging the battle field... but the defender risk much for nothing. In which case, as a port-owner, if you attempt to blockade my port, I would say, 'Crack on!' . the potential gain for me would be picking off your lit fleets at battles end, not fighting them in the blockade. And if the blockade wins and some traders get plundered? Not my purse, not my problem.

So, what would Blockade become? An exercise in farming merchants unopposed because its not in anyones interest to contest one.. BUT, let me sniff a chance of the monetary rewards that drive the blockader, well, then you might get a fight, which is what you want, isnt it?

Then simply choose not to defend. Park or re-route your fleets until blockade is complete. That is actually the best defense.

Traders can simply keep loading their warehouses, setting their auto trade routes, casting a few cards every day or so and bank the money. Sorry for the inconvenience to traders that may have to sign in once in awhile and reroute their fleets.

Same as pirates can bank a lot of money just by casting 3 cards on top of the hour and maybe even get ships that way it is such a inconvinience for them they need to spend extra 24 turns for millions in return... Invest in piracy you will bank millions in no times just by skirmishing fleets and hitting small war vassels
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Re: Port Blockades

Postby sXs » Sat Oct 28, 2017 6:58 pm

Danik wrote:I see, so those who want to run a blockade need the incentive of big money rewards to do so, but defenders must do it for the love of battle, or a few million in trade taxes... or am I misreading this entire thread?

What big money?

Danik wrote:What if they gave a Blockade... and nobody came?

To be precise, what if the defenders just shrugged and said, 'Carry on'... ?
Wolfie wrote:
Danik wrote:What if they gave a Blockade... and nobody came?

To be precise, what if the defenders just shrugged and said, 'Carry on'... ?

Now that would be hillariouse... Setting blockade traders reroute or pause trade routes in that port and earning at the end of blockade is 0....

Seems you guys have figured out there is no big money involved here.
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Re: Port Blockades

Postby sXs » Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:02 pm

I know, lets make this simple. At the very beginning a new player can choose Merchant, Privateer or pirate. If they choose Merchant we simply award them 1 billion gold and a certificate of completion. Send them a note saying "You won" thanks for playing.
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Re: Port Blockades

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:03 pm

Indeed : I just point out the flaw in the whole process : to have your big fight with the potential of rewards needs two sides willing to engage. As it stands, there has been minimal discussion as to why the defenders would, or even should, fight for bugger all. So, I offer some balance, risk and reward should apply to both sides, not just risk and reward for the attacker and nothing but risk for the defender.

And Feniks : you seem to be in error assuming this means I'm proposing merchants getting a free ride : quite the opposite : I'm suggesting that without an incentive to defend them, port owners will happily, and thus cheaply, leave them to the wolves..which is you.
Last edited by Most Lee Harmless on Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Port Blockades

Postby sXs » Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:05 pm

If you yourself see all the advantage to be on the attackers side, then be the one to initiate a blockade.

Use it yourself instead of shooting it down.
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Re: Port Blockades

Postby Sebena » Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:07 pm

Feniks wrote:
Danik wrote:I see, so those who want to run a blockade need the incentive of big money rewards to do so, but defenders must do it for the love of battle, or a few million in trade taxes... or am I misreading this entire thread?

What big money?

Danik wrote:What if they gave a Blockade... and nobody came?

To be precise, what if the defenders just shrugged and said, 'Carry on'... ?
Wolfie wrote:
Danik wrote:What if they gave a Blockade... and nobody came?

To be precise, what if the defenders just shrugged and said, 'Carry on'... ?

Now that would be hillariouse... Setting blockade traders reroute or pause trade routes in that port and earning at the end of blockade is 0....

Seems you guys have figured out there is no big money involved here.

We want this to be interessting addition but with your mindset that attackers risking everything with MoW while defenders risk nothing. IT would be waste of programmers time and it will die right away if this doesn't bring risk to attackers....

with this suuggestion it will actually worth defending but I guess you don't want it. Then why we are discussing this at all scrap it and lets move on another idea... Maybe option of givig all our earnings to few chosen ones and lets dance in their greatness we all are filth in comparison with them....
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Re: Port Blockades

Postby Haron » Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:07 pm

Attackers attack to try and steal from the defenders. The defenders defend in order to prevent being stolen from. I say that both makes sense and gives incentive to both sides?
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Re: Port Blockades

Postby Sebena » Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:10 pm

Haron wrote:Attackers attack to try and steal from the defenders. The defenders defend in order to prevent being stolen from. I say that both makes sense and gives incentive to both sides?

Who will defend? I know I wouldn't defend I would just move on without carrying about anything. It is not enough and if it stays like this this will be miss of centuary when it could be awesome game changer
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Re: Port Blockades

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:12 pm

Feniks : You dont know what I intend to do should blockades come into being, so dont make such judgements : fact is, if defenders wont fight, there will be little point in initiating a blockade : tie up your fleets for days, gain danger and for what? A few coins in plunder : they'll probably earn more doing vanilla plunders anyway.

If you want fights, mega sea-battles, strategy and tactics galore : then its got to be a fight both NEED to win because the cost of defeat is unbearable : then you might be surprised who will join in on either side...
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Re: Port Blockades

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:16 pm

Haron wrote:Attackers attack to try and steal from the defenders. The defenders defend in order to prevent being stolen from. I say that both makes sense and gives incentive to both sides?

If the defender neither gains nor loses whatever the outcome... why bother with the fight? Do I care if CDV pays you lots of toll fees when he visits my blockaded port? Am I missing something here, this IS about the fight, isnt it? Mega battles, mass fleets, the roar of cannon? Or is it really meant to be just another income stream for scoundrels which cant be made too hard?
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