A toxic player is someone who negatively impacts a game in an intentional way. Bad game play and lack of understanding is not being toxic. However bashing anyone in game, leaving when things aren't going your way or intentionally aiding the enemy in any form is toxic.
That's the gamer definition.
However what I am seeing being defined as toxic in this game is people who are uncomfortable with game structure being utilized and reversed to cause them discomfort.
Take the nation related voodoo it has been cast by people I am sure who relate other voodoo being heavily dished out as toxic.
Basically there is a trend to call what gives you discomfort or interrupt your normal game play as toxic.
I call it cause and effect, you irritate someone to the point they don't care about loss then get upset when they ignore your fame or your voodoo chest and hound you to prove a point. That's not toxic imo.
The nation voodoo by your standards then would be nuclear considering the culprit or culprits remain anonymous.
But I argue even that is cause and effect.
At this rate I would not be surprised for a personal space or therapy dog voodoo card being created.
Gaming is normally enjoyed for the chance to overcome or achieve certain things, lets not weaken gaming with all the labeling and attempts to restructure the rules to make that easier.
Last post on this as it gets relatively old very quickly and is a bit disappointing to read some comments.