(Common) Black Death

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(Common) Black Death

Postby Captain Jack » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:51 pm


Title: Black Death
Rarity: Common

Turns Needed: 8

Card Type: Instant
Curse Target: Port

Artwork: None yet

Reduces Population of target port by 5%

Additional Information:
Can target any of the existing 21 ports.
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Re: (Common) Black Death

Postby Acadien » Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:05 pm

Why would someone reduce the production of a port..?
As far that i know more pop = more production.
- And for those who have fought and died.. as i approach the gates of heaven; St.Peter i will tell, one more Soldier reporting Sir, i've served my time in hell.
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Re: (Common) Black Death

Postby Captain Jack » Sat Dec 03, 2011 8:31 am

Acadien wrote:Why would someone reduce the production of a port..?
As far that i know more pop = more production.

Production is currently only affected by total number of crew members hired in the game.
Here is the help page about production: http://s2.piratesglory.com/?page=help&action=production

Right now, population only role has to do with Hire Crew action which in turn affects prices. A better system will be implemented in the future to handle Hire Crew action. In this future system, population will play an upgraded role.

We got more plans for port population and it will affect more aspects of the game. Production will be affected in the future by port population.

As to why someone would like to reduce production of a port, obviously this would be to hit the ecomic strength of a player that heavily uses trade routes. So if you are a militaristic player competing a player with exceptional merchant activity, reducing port population in the ports he makes the biggest bulk of his profit could play a crucial role.
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