Like I said, its an idea to kick-start Banks out of their current torpor : right now, they hold coin, they transfer coin between players : that's it. If transferring GB's between players is bad, why is the same system of transfer for coin not bad? If storing GB is bad, why is storing coin not bad?
I never agreed with the level limitation on credit exchange by banks, I dont agree on it being applied to GB storage or transfer either : the limitations on deposits and transactions of the current level system work well enough.
Its just a suggestion : the game wont break without it, but I feel it will improve with it.
I wont re-do the original post : my initial suggestion is just to let banks store GB's : that in itself is worthy, in my view : that I also feel it could open the way for further suggestions is a good point in favor of it : the worth of those further suggestions is not key to the original post though and should not be used to cancel the worth of the OP.