Crackedcubes wrote:So far just -1s, no legitimate reasons why though.. hmmm.. Now I remember why i stopped posting on the game forum..
I am assuming this would be set up similar to how a bank works. A player could "Deposit" crates into a warehouse that is not his, but has a "Deposit" limit.
A player could then withdraw or sell those items at that warehouse.
However, I see room for abuse. The owner of the warehouse could be a massive trader. Have a warehouse that is 500 or larger. Have many players deposit items, lets say RUM into this ware house, and he/she uses Party card.
This is one of my reasons for the -1. I can site more if you like.
However, Contract Shipping is a paid for, contracted service for merchant or any that would like to take the contract. I think it will be very handy for some indeed.
And I agree wit HARON. Please keep posting on the forums. We need new ideas always, even if they are -1's. I have seen several great discussions on -1 posts that have turned into something else. Discussion/Conversation about game mechanics and improvements are much needed in the game. This was the one of the biggest reasons I created my new guild and invited Veteran players. We talk about the mechanics... and some mischief too.