We got ships battles, why not also add foot battle?
This feature is destined to be added AFTER nation control feature has been implemented.
This discussion, is meant to gather all player ideas in order to design this as better we can. If you got any ideas you would like to contribute, please add.
Here is a bunch of initial thoughts:
-Every player should be able to train up to 3 unit types. Nations will get more and better types.
-Soldiers should need upkeep such as food and gold. Rum and tobacco should make them happier and tougher.
-Unit types should be upgradeable (will have levels).
-Battles should mostly take part at players hideouts to plunder a player's treasury or at a nation port, to plunder a nation's treasury.
There are more ideas that are related with features that will come before this and that have no meaning to mention now. We just want YOUR initial thoughts for now.