Contract Shipping - possible game expansion

We are always looking for ways to improve the game. In fact, since the beginning player suggestions had played a major part in game design.

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Re: Contract Shipping - possible game expansion

Postby Stan Rogers » Mon Sep 26, 2016 8:10 pm

A special warehouse built inside Academy that allows direct transference of goods from player to player ships. Goods that you want shipped via 3rd party can have access to special forwarding warehouse but not your regular warehouse. Size is limited to academy research ? Special permission from owner to shipper to access this warehouse ? India cards and party cards cannot be used on special warehouse ?

Just spitballing as questions of limits, size and access come to mind with regular warehouses.

Giving it more thought, I can see how someone like the super bankers who now can actually make gc without the need of ships.

I cannot see a booming business just yet except for guys like SHM who may not want a large trade fleet but still wants to ship rum to his loyal customers.
If he were to place his quantity of shipment into a special place, he could offer or pay a going rate based on the cargo value. Shippers of course would dictate the value vs. risk and in war time if blockades and port warfare come to pass, I can see possible huge boost in business opportunities as well as higher % for dangerous missions.
Yea, it would dovetail nicely into more future features if they come
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Re: Contract Shipping - possible game expansion

Postby William one eye » Tue Sep 27, 2016 5:13 pm

There have been several suggestions to the affect of a hideout based warehouse.
I have a very detailed idea about this that Maha suggested and messaged me. I have read it but
will be reviewing it more carefully. Sorry, Maha if anything I am about to suggest overlaps or uses any of your idea.
If I use some of your Ideas I will try and give you credit where appropriate once I have re read your message.

This is just off the top of my head.

This is something to consider, perhaps it could be integrated.
maybe this should be set up similar to banks. Players must own shipping warehouses.
they would be part of a hideout. Players that don't own shipping warehouses can
run contracts in and out of the warehouses the way people hold bank accounts.
Those that own the warehouses may have some advantages and be able to operate them as a business,
just as banks operate. As a player increases the level of the warehouse, it will become more profitable and
useful and may eventually have special benefits similar to how the top banks can currently exchange credits.
I would suggest that warehouse then become tied to the nation of the player just like a Bank. I would suggest
warehouses would be considered outside the customs boarder and maintain the nation tie of the owner and not the specific port.
I would then suggest that Nations be able to propose taxes and benefit laws for warehouses belonging to their members.

I am looking at this as an integrations to the idea and would not mind a few thought or ideas on this sepecifically, however If anyone wants to discuss this in detail we should probably start an additional thread.
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Re: Contract Shipping - possible game expansion

Postby Stan Rogers » Tue Sep 27, 2016 5:19 pm

One of the problems with a hideout based warehouse, hideout location would have to be revealed. Right now, it can only be speculated on and I am sure no one wants that to change to certainty.
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Stan Rogers
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Re: Contract Shipping - possible game expansion

Postby William one eye » Tue Sep 27, 2016 5:31 pm

Very good point, If I were also a Smith I would certainly not want to announce the location of my hideout.
Perhaps the warehouse company would be located in the hideout, but the warehouses could be opened in the
company owners ports of choice. This may be impractical to implement, it is just an off the cuff idea
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Re: Contract Shipping - possible game expansion

Postby Stan Rogers » Tue Sep 27, 2016 5:44 pm

Aye, any trader worth his salt has a warehouse in every port.
I realize many aspects have been discussed in great detail and I'm just adding to the discussion, sometimes being repetitive to the detail previously discussed. Forgive me.

Maybe a designated warehouse in some port can do the job? Can a client designate more than 1 warehouse? Can a warehouse be partitioned making a secure area that only caters to the service ?
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Re: Contract Shipping - possible game expansion

Postby Shadowood » Tue Sep 27, 2016 5:47 pm

I like the idea of an extra building in the hideout for this add on. It makes more sense to do it this way.

But agreed it can't disclose the location of the hideout....
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Re: Contract Shipping - possible game expansion

Postby William one eye » Tue Sep 27, 2016 5:52 pm

Stan Rogers wrote:Aye, any trader worth his salt has a warehouse in every port.
I realize many aspects have been discussed in great detail and I'm just adding to the discussion, sometimes being repetitive to the detail previously discussed. Forgive me.

Maybe a designated warehouse in some port can do the job? Can a client designate more than 1 warehouse? Can a warehouse be partitioned making a secure area that only caters to the service ?

Sorry I was referring to a specific contract shipping warehouse. Or perhaps just the ability to use your warehouse as contract shipping warehouse. I actually like the latter idea.

Not warehouses as they currently exist.
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Re: Contract Shipping - possible game expansion

Postby John jacob astor » Wed Sep 28, 2016 12:40 am

i actually don't think having to reveal the hideout location would be that bad of an idea. it would help balance out the gains for merchants and pirates from this. in order to get this function, merchants would have to give something up, namely their hideout location, essentially increasing the danger for having someone else do the work for them
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Re: Contract Shipping - possible game expansion

Postby Stan Rogers » Wed Sep 28, 2016 12:46 am

John jacob astor wrote:i actually don't think having to reveal the hideout location would be that bad of an idea. it would help balance out the gains for merchants and pirates from this. in order to get this function, merchants would have to give something up, namely their hideout location, essentially increasing the danger for having someone else do the work for them

Don't forget, it is up to the originating shipper to make that call and if they decide the gain is not worth the risk, they don't use the service or participate. I know I would not speaking personally but I am just one. Who knows what others may do ?
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Re: Contract Shipping - possible game expansion

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Wed Sep 28, 2016 3:03 am

I think the simpler, the better; after all, the one accepting the contract has to make more than he would using his fleets trading in order to even consider taking a contract.

With that in mind, if you have a stocked warehouse, you are simply giving access to a new captain access the warehouse to transport the goods for you.

The difficult part will be to make a contract worth the effort to accept a contract.
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