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Postby Valar Morghulis » Sat Sep 03, 2016 12:22 am

Sir Henry Morgan wrote:This be interesting to watch, to be certain. Most of us have used assassin curses in war or retaliation one time or another - I know I have. Now a top bounty hunter of Avonmora has decided to use these to create a little extortion lottery in an effort to make a few credits. How it works has yet to be seen.

Yosarian, I not be too worried about any of those blokes walkin' away from the game - take a good look at that list. Most of 'em have been around a good, long while and faced other storms, battles and extortion attempts before. It isn't the only list they be on - check out the Top Helper Lists, the list of bankers, the nation's kings and dukes, their influence, demographics, and others. They have been around this long, and while this episode has raised their ire, they will be up to the challenge, as it is apparent most of Avonmora be on their side. They didn't get where they are by giving up when storms take 'em down a notch or two. They usually come back stronger than before.

Val be on a few lists, too, but he hasn't been around long enough make as many of those lists, like Top Helper, but he's on a few. So far he's just put his plans out there and now is hunkered down just because of his words - he has yet to execute the act itself. Once he does, his reputation (and that of his mates) will be complete. That's what he's built here in Avonmora, just like all those on the list have built their reputations.

I hope Val's thought of what he wins if these old sea dogs don't come up with the ransom he's wanting...this time around or next.

I have been planning this for the past six months and as the plan goes, this one has given 100% fruitition.
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Postby William one eye » Sat Sep 03, 2016 1:02 am

When one looks at things from ones own perspective, it is sometimes hard to understand the goals of others.
If you do not know the ultimate objective it is hard to tell if that person has won or lost.
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Postby Big Brother » Sat Sep 03, 2016 1:35 am

As far as plans go, I'm still on the early stages of one of my own, I don't play short game, I play the long con.
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Postby Nicholi » Sat Sep 03, 2016 2:53 am

So Val, have you gained enough credits from this to break even the costs of all of those assassins? (assuming the standard market value) That would be 1,376 creds.
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Postby PhoenixKnight » Sat Sep 03, 2016 4:35 am

Nicholi wrote:So Val, have you gained enough credits from this to break even the costs of all of those assassins? (assuming the standard market value) That would be 1,376 creds.

Not necessarily. First of all, he doesn't have to have or acquire all assassins now. He just need to get them before Christmas. He can wait for this to die out and contract a few people to get the cards then put them on the market for 1 credit and let a bid war start which he can win.
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Postby Captain dungeness » Sat Sep 03, 2016 8:12 pm

Yosarian wrote:he will cripple a player who has actually used strategy and invested long hours in the game. He will cost this player somewhere between 500 mil gc and 1 billion gc. That player will walk away from the game. And when Valar is done he will do his second auction and this time the participants will have to take note.

You are giving Valar more credit than he has earned. He may cast the assassins or he may not if his only goal was to make headlines but not actually get his hands dirty ("100% fruition" would imply he was only looking for the attention and his plan is complete). 500M or 1B may sounds like a lot but it is not enough to convince an old Seadog to quit the game. Years ago Black Sparrow taught me the power of coordinated attacks when he lead PK to crush me when I plundered his guild too many times in quick succession. I lost hundreds of millions of gold in 8 hours but look where I am now. I'm on the list of Extraordinary Traders. I'm good friends with Black Sparrow and I've fought alongside him and Sir Henry Morgan against countless threats and extortion attempts. We can't be broken by one voodoo-buying player. His guildmates don't even support his actions.
Nervous Nelson wrote:as I do not agree with such action I show little signs of help for him.

If anyone sends Valar credits then they don't realize their own strength and have given into empty threats. Mohammed, you are dead to me because you sent him 1 credit :x just kidding, I think you're post is funny.

Valar morghulis, If I could send you negative credits to "win" your "auction" I would do it, just to see if you and your guild could handle the consequences.

To all the players placing bounties on Valar:
I'm not sure if you realize it, but you may be funding some of his buddies who can collect on your posted bounties. If you want him plundered or voodoo-ed or harassed, pay your chosen bounty hunter directly or do the deed yourself. I suggest you wait and see if he's really worth the gold and take action after his self-imposed deadline has passed.

To all the Extraordinary Traders:
If you haven't responded to Lodswe's personal message, please do so. I currently don't see any reason to take action because it's all talk at this point.

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Postby Captain Jack » Sat Sep 03, 2016 8:22 pm

No one must be worried about anyone exploiting the bounties system. If they are, then your bounties will pay off an extraordinary price of a full ban on those who exploit them.

Please do not quote me back here, I just felt that this needed underlining. No abuse will be allowed by anyone at anyplace.
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Postby Admiral Nelson » Sat Sep 03, 2016 8:26 pm

Ye sure be one to represent us pirates on a bad image, Captain Dungeness.
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Postby Admiral Nelson » Sat Mar 07, 2020 9:12 pm

This be one bit of history...

Worth a read.
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Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sat Mar 07, 2020 9:43 pm

I still got expenses..

Not much changed since...
-1 : Move to archive.
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