Fire Fist [Legendary]

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Fire Fist [Legendary]

Postby PhoenixKnight » Fri Aug 05, 2016 1:04 am

Deals severe damage to entire fleet. Lower grade ships are prone to be claimed by the see while higher grade ships that are leveled may lose levels on top of dealt damage. Amount of dealt damage is proportional to the number of 5 turns invested on top of the cost, up to 200 turns
Cost: 50 turns + x number of 5 turns
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Re: Fire Fist [Legendary]

Postby William Pitt » Fri Aug 05, 2016 1:49 am

PhoenixKnight wrote:Deals severe damage to entire fleet. Lower grade ships are prone to be claimed by the see while higher grade ships that are leveled may lose levels on top of dealt damage. Amount of dealt damage is proportional to the number of 5 turns invested on top of the cost, up to 200 turns
Cost: 50 turns + x number of 5 turns

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Same difference?!?! Lower the turn cost.
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Re: Fire Fist [Legendary]

Postby PhoenixKnight » Fri Aug 05, 2016 1:55 am

This is for entire fleet not just one ship.
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Re: Fire Fist [Legendary]

Postby ChaIbaud » Fri Aug 05, 2016 1:58 am

What % increase is there for every 5 turns invested and what is the base amount? Also, would what Delrio said be the cards needed to craft it? I'd add something that affects a fleet like Swarm of Worms but that looks like too many uncommon cards to me when paired with CtK, CL, and FS.
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Re: Fire Fist [Legendary]

Postby Juicypotato » Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:21 am

This card is terrible for pirates wishing to take the fleet due to the reason that pirates want the ships the highest level possible for the most profits. It's also not that high of a damage card and is somewhat weak for a legendary card. Basically a card that can sink a ship with a value lower than a large frigate to the sea bottom is a much better card and useful card than a fire fist card. Call it Leviathan's Big Daddy

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Re: Fire Fist [Legendary]

Postby William one eye » Fri Aug 05, 2016 12:39 pm

Juicypotato wrote:This card is terrible for pirates wishing to take the fleet due to the reason that pirates want the ships the highest level possible for the most profits. It's also not that high of a damage card and is somewhat weak for a legendary card. Basically a card that can sink a ship with a value lower than a large frigate to the sea bottom is a much better card and useful card than a fire fist card. Call it Leviathan's Big Daddy

agreed, when I take a ship I want it to be at the highest level possible, weather I intend to use it a my own, or sell it.
The top level being the most expensive to replace. It seldom makes sense to level down a ship for plunder. I suggest you
attack with a big enough fleet that you don't have to level it down.

I love the idea of a card that sinks the low value ships only as long as it was legendary. That would be a very useful, powerful and dangerous card.
It would change the strategy of how you need to organize capital ship fleets. As you suddenly cannot protect either your gc or capital ships with a weak tail.
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