by Stan Rogers » Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:28 am
I have looked at the arguments for, against, objectives, needs, complaints and a lot of good idea's.
I tend to think although a small amount of tweaking is probably needed in the plunder and skirmish formula, to try to juggle the numbers to promote more battles will not likely work for any length of time.
It is very difficult to be a full time pirate without running some form of supplemental trade as it is difficult for a merchant to not have a serious war fleet for times of need. The whole pirate/merchant argument is bogus as if you think you want to be a pirate and not trade, be ready to be poor OR just attack merchants that do not want to own a warfleet and be a purebred merchant.
Most players fall in between the 2 extremes.
To try to satisfy either end of this player spectrum will result in driving away all the gray area players. They also tend to be the most vocal in professing the shortcomings at either end of the spectrum.
To force black and white decisions in a game that is various shades of gray play style may kill or seriously damage the game. The old system has brought the game this far and works despite some minor shortcomings and tends to be fairly balanced.
Perhaps to promote new/more battle, as Haron suggested, it's time to move into different ways to promote battle besides plunder/skirmish. Port warfare would go a long ways toward making new reasons for players to shoot there opponents ships full of holes and depend on the system that currently does work fairly well.
The Last of Barrett's Privateers