Each Port has 20 Colonies, Each colony contains the same amount of people (total population of port / 20). Port owners have the option to SELL the colonies of their port to other nations. The colony owner's country gets some money from the colony they own.
Colony Selling
- A contract is written by the current Port Owners, which apply the terms of payment to the colony buyer. The council of the country who owns the port are the only who can vote on this contract.
- The colony buyer agrees, and they earn income from their colony.
Colony Over-Taking
- Colonies are reset to ALL be owned by the port owners when the port changes ownership.
Example: New Land
1. Spain agrees to sell 5 Colonies to Egypt
2. Contract is created by Spain's King, and voted in Parliament by Council Members.
3. Egyptian King agrees to the contract, and owns 1/4 of New Land.
4. Egypt now earns 1/4th of the income of New Land.