Nice talking you have here
I have received a lot of reports for this topic. Most were reasonable I must say. The rest, I must remind you that this is Union of Honor and flaming is expected. If you are easily offended, AVOID these forums. What is mainly not allowed here, is profanity. Insulting is okay as long as it does not ends up too personal (real-life target though, get as personal as you like with the character's doings).
To be fair with everyone who made a report, I have read through the whole topic and have commented in any post I thought that needed a hint. We are growing as a community and I think that you will find my comments useful for future topics.
We will also improve the way we receive reports so we can respond faster to these.
As a general note, we want vidid forums so do not expect us chasing anyone off here or anywhere else. We respect freedom of speech and we want you to express your feelings. It will take some time to adjust to what we are after as result but once we reach this point, it would be better for all.
So, perhaps a good idea would be to re-read this topic from the beginning
Please continue with normal topic flow, sorry for the derailing. I hope that Union of Honor will get more life. In fact, such topics are good for the community. Even if they create some heat.