How times flies in Avonmora : the festive season approaches and the Three Grinches find their eyes casting about considering this years candidates for the Ayes Annual Cappy Memorial Smackdown : an occasion of great enjoyment and profit, where-in a notable nuisance to us finds themselves suddenly short of coin and ship!
Those with long memories, well, able to think back 12 months anyway, will recall how Aye Cappy was graced with Place of Honor in our first seasonal escapade. This year we were sore tempted to repeat the dose, but he has been a mild-mannered cove since, well, once the pain and bitterness had eased somewhat. No, we have instead decided to name our event after him, in recognition of the role he played so well in it.
This year other prime candidates have stepped up and we are almost overwhelmed with souls suitable for our attentions this Yuletide Eve. We can assured you we shall consider all prospective participants carefully, we have no favorites as of yet.
Who will it be?
Stay tuned to find out... and should you find yourself enthroned upon the victims chair.. no tears, please, it's such a waste of good suffering!