[Disapproved] Action battles

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[Disapproved] Action battles

Postby Brazzler » Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:31 pm

Hi, I have an idea.

I have this game called "Tortuga, Pirates of the new world". In this game you can attack fleets with a ship and control how it works. I think it would be great to implement something like this game so players can battle each other through ranked and unranked battles. If anyone wants a copy of the game to test they will have to find someway for me to upload it to the internet for them.

In a more precise description. What I want is to be able to select a ship, have it placed on a battlefield with however opposing ships from different people, then you can all control your own ships, such as control witch way it turns, how fast it goes, what type of ammunition to use, and when to fire the cannons.

I am only talking about the ship to ship battles, nothing more.
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Re: PvP interactive battles

Postby Francois le Clerc » Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:02 am

similar to Assassin Creed +1
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Re: PvP interactive battles

Postby Sir Johnny English » Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:14 am

RPG game sandard gameplay....it's actually good, but it may be really difficult to implement. But....+1, cause I'm a fan of such things, really.
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Re: PvP interactive battles

Postby Roberts » Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:42 am

Brazzler wrote:Hi, I have an idea.

I have this game called "Tortuga, Pirates of the new world". In this game you can attack fleets with a ship and control how it works. I think it would be great to implement something like this game so players can battle each other through ranked and unranked battles. If anyone wants a copy of the game to test they will have to find someway for me to upload it to the internet for them.

In a more precise description. What I want is to be able to select a ship, have it placed on a battlefield with however opposing ships from different people, then you can all control your own ships, such as control witch way it turns, how fast it goes, what type of ammunition to use, and when to fire the cannons.

I am only talking about the ship to ship battles, nothing more.

This would be cool , but their is a few cons...
1) If you are part of a raid , and there is 20 fleets lit up you will have to control the ships to beat one fleet , which may take 5 mins : And by that time unwanted company would of killed off the other fleets...

A way to fix this " Auto Battle " OR "Skip Battle for 1000 gold coins/1 Credit"

2) The elements of stacking would not really matter , as in Pirates Of The Caribbean Isles Of War , it matter what Cannons you had...

A way to fix this... Change stacking atts to different cannons : More expensive cannons - More firepower
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Re: [Disapproved] Action battles

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Jun 05, 2015 4:42 pm

PvP interactive battles is not a correct title for what you are asking. PvP interaction is what you mostly get in this game after all.

You are seeking for some action in battles. This is not going to happen. Here are two good reasons:
-Battles must always respect the rule that the other player may not be online at that time.
-Actions gets old fast, in contrary to strategy.

Battles could use graphical improvements and more tactical choices. We are open to such suggestions but still, such suggestions/discussion need their own topic.
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