~ How to do Nobility Missions ~

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~ How to do Nobility Missions ~

Postby Roberts » Sun May 03, 2015 8:06 pm

Ahoy all!

This is copied off my websites : Yet again , removed the pictures : This should help out the new players that are struggling to get on with the game , this is not copyright : As it is made by me... :lol: Otherwise i will ask myself to copy it...

Mission Title:Join/Create a guild
Reward:1,500 Fame

This is quite a simple task to do : You may already have a guild invitation to check if you do next to your name underneath the top banner there should be ( x New Messages ) if so click on that, and in the middle next to the name should be Guild Invitations for example it can look like this:
Manuel (#.....) Guild invitation
Click on that then click accept... Then this is this task done
If you have not you can easily apply for one : Click on TAVERN then scroll down to the bottom of the page there should be join a guild click that - then Top 10 guilds will appear click on on of them then "Apply to guild.

Mission Title:Greet guild mates
Reward: 2 500 Gold coins

This is another easy target, once you are in a guild next to your name should be a tag that goes like [ HELM ] ,
[ ZomB ] , [ Royal ] or [ SSTG ] click on it then type in the box that says "Say Something" Then say hello!, then this is the objective done.

Mission Title:Start a nation mission
Reward: 2 500 Fame points

This task is quite hard for me to explain, as i am a governor : So i have no nation missions to actually do. I will try my best, click " COURT" Then go on "Meet The Governor at the right hand side below "Select Actions".Then there is " Become a captain" Click on that then Great! Give me the missions!" Then that is this task done.

Mission Title:Meet the Daughter
Reward: 10 000 Fame points

This will require around 25 turns , what you do again is click on " COURT " , Then again go on " Meet The Governor right hand side of page below select actions, then click Meet the daughter something should come up like this:
You have not been introduced to the Governor's daughter yet!

You have 2 options:
Ask the Governor to introduce his daughter to you.
Sneak into her room (Costs 2 turns
If so click " Sneak into her room" until you get in then this is this mission done

Mission Title:Upload an Avatar
Reward: 2 500 Gold coins

This is a very simple task near the top banner is your name click that then this type of thing should appear:
Now, what you do is click " Update your avatar then your current picture should come up then click upload and upload a picture from your computer ( No filthy images to be used in Pirates Glory)
Then this is that task done.

Mission Title:Read all Text Tutorials
Reward: 10 000 Gold coins

This one is quite simple, if you scroll down to the bottom there is information like this:
Help | Log Out | Contact Us | ToS | Game Rules | ©2008-2015 | Version 1.3.103 | 2015-03-11 19:39:08 | Page served in 0.010 seconds.
Click on " HELP" Button then this should come up...
-Player Guides in forums (Pretty cool ones from players for players)
-Main Interface diagram - Header Menu
-Text tutorials (Small tutorials explaining basic things)
-Video tutorials (These are a bit old right now)
You need to click on " Text Tutorials then read it through carefully, or just skip through it either way ha ha... Then this is that done.

Mission Title:Gain a guild promotion
Reward: 10 000 Gold coins

For this it will be a much harder one - some guilds offer promotions just for staying but some - you will have to wait until you are ready to move up, to do this you will have to meet the ranks needed... That is all the information i can give you...

Mission Title:Reach 100 000 Fame
Reward: 25 000 Gold coins

This, will be done overtime you can get fame from attacking people - pirate tales, or just on daily updates - i can not give you much help for this one...
Civilian:Are you insane? One pirate against trained pirates... Who do you think this man is? God?
My Leader: No. God would have mercy. He won't.
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