This is a Simple Guide To Game Tips & Turns Nightmares that you'll be bleeding away in game.
This Terminology is a derogatory remark to the new player or new arrivals to the website.
It represents a form of slander in its approach to any new comer arriving to the web page as it is a belittling remark. In a nutshell, its an insult, offensive, aiming at under privilege peoples intelligence.
..Beef over..
Turns in General:
The max turns stored allowed is 200 max,
200 turns = 1 day 3.8hrs - 3hrs 9mins in real time.
so if your into calling back just time it to that or these below.
Turns Free: approx.
1 turns in 10 minutes
6 turns in 60 mins..
![Sad :(](./images/smilies/icon_e_sad.gif)
10 turns in 1hr.38-39minutes..
![Sad :(](./images/smilies/icon_e_sad.gif)
60 turns in 10hrs ..
![Sad :(](./images/smilies/icon_e_sad.gif)
100 turns in 16hrs...
120 turns in 20hrs...
160 turns in 1 day 1-2hrs.....la dee da dee dumb
200 turns in 1 day 3hrs8mins - 3hrs.9mins....help!! let me go!...I want to ..etc, etc
Turns and Credits
You can use credits to double your turns
Double Turns (+1 extra turn per 10 minutes) 2 days 15 Credits
Double Turns Storage (You keep gaining turns up to 400 turns) 7 days 5 Credits
The credit you buy has some major limitations attached to them.
There maybe other ways to spend them on i.e. send credits, cards, etc.
The main contender is usage on Turns! This has some flaws & limits.
You can not:
Use all your credits at once to gain a load of turns,
You can not store your turns in a pirates warehouse.
You can:
Get 200 turns every 12hrs...
Waiting 12hrs between 200 turns is lots of pain.
Especially when you want to see all your money spent.
You bought credits with cash & you want to spend them right?
wrong you can't. You have to wait.
New players
You have protection from attacks for the first 1000 turns you use.
wow amazing..
Seeking in game help guide does not really help but confuses some.
Its not in written in layman's terms or is it precise.
Feel free to read it if you wish too.. http://s2.piratesglory.com/index.php?page=help
Being attacked:
If you are attacked and you don't have enough gold i.e 10k you will forfeit a ship if beaten.
Hold 10k in gold to pay the ransom if beaten, this stops ship loss's.
Restrain from doing instant travel..
if you must follow the begin quest do what is said and be done with it.
The disappointing things about running the game manually is..
1. The long wait to travel between isles..
2. The loading is so mundane each ship has be loaded individually.
I do not understand this you can sell everything..so why can't you load every ship in the fleet?
This is what makes manually playing the game a drab..
Voodoo Cards:
You get 1 card every 12hrs .
1 card can also be gifted daily every 24hrs to a friend in game,
If in a Guild, seek out the bank Nominee to give all daily gifts too.
This helps gather more cards for you per day so grab a friend/guildy guy somewhere.
Auctions cards:
Cards also can be traded for... "very slowly" for turns if you are lucky.
72 hrs wait in fact is the start period of each auctioned card,
I think this is extreme.
After those arduous 72hrs you are never guaranteed to sell them either!
![Sad :(](./images/smilies/icon_e_sad.gif)
Purchase Warehouses.
As you get established,
Try & purchase a warehouses in all ports like this..
Go to town "which ever one"
Once arrived hit "Market"
Then Warehouse & buy.
Warehouse does not need upgrading (optional up to you)
Once bought this will access the town things to do with it.
Ships Fleet Formations:
Trade & Battle ships should be kept separate from one another.
so they say..
1 xFleet for Attacks
1 xFleet for Trade & so on..
A good starter Trade Fleets may consist of:
5 x hawkers
All set to low levels or high if you want to be a full fledge trader.
If you do auto or instant travel.
Make sure your lowest level ship is reserved for the bottom run.
Changing Nations:
Court -> Meet the Governor -> Change nation
Change your nation to most popular one in game
Either npc which can be seen through attack appearances or players within game.
Attacking those npc / players constantly will lead you to be a Pirate.
Change to a nation with the highest ship tax rate.
Don't pay TAX and in time you will be a Pirate.
Ship Upgrade Attributes Points Distribution:
Do not upgrade these two:
Iron scantling,
Round shot.
Do these Ship Attribute upgrades in their order.
1/ cotton sails
2/ double hammocks.
3/ bronze cannon
4/ lastly copper plating
Treasure Hunting..hmmm...Quick Gold?%??:
Please I realise everyone has other methods,
This method is one.
A "big" amount of turns are used on initial phase of hunting.
Correction all of hunting..This may or may not be worth it to you.
Do not use these turns unless you are willing to sacrifice a hell of lot of turns!
On average to set up "Phase 1" & + a full "round" you will need.
1400-2000 turns from start to finish.
Sail to a town you'd like to start from.
Switch to the town headquarters.
Buy a warehouse in town.
To get into Treasure Hunting area click:
1. Gold amount seen top far right of screen.
2. go to "Treasure Hunt" link {right panel} hit it
3. Hit "Hunt for new Treasure."
OK your in the hunt area.
Lets get regions done.
See below 2 Test runs I did in hunting.
Test Run 1:
This example shown was only done days ago.
In Phase 1.
To your left see Region (number) - 00%
In the Middle of screen is this...
Explore region (5 turns) | (10 Turns) <--use this to make gains on 9 x regions to 100%
Ask the port locals (5 Turns) | (10 Turns) <--ignore now but we will use this later.
Discuss with the head explorer (5 Turns) | (10 Turns)<--ignore use later to add to player.
Discuss with your quartermaster (5 Turns) | (10 Turns)<---ignore
Use "Explore Region"
"Region" is a cover of land where Players & NPC hide treasure.
First make each region 100%. from 1 to 9!
Watch you do not "waste" any turns trying to go to 100%, do not attempt to go over 100%.
Please when 100% is reached on 1 region, change to the next region..
keep doing this until all 9 regions are all 100% done.
You will not have to do this again. Unless you want to change to different town.
9 Region Turn Costs:
I used 700 turns to complete all 9 areas to 100%.
Each region can cost up to 65-90 turns a pop.
about 675 - 810 turns to make it happen.
This time around it only cost 700 turns.
Right, that's done n dusted..
Now to a hunting round.
Be prepard to see..
then...NPC Treasure!
You unearth a plain chest. It seems obvious to you that this chest was owned by someone of obscure reputation.....continue
The chest is empty!!
It seems like the real treasure is well hidden!
Bah.. that map was rubbish! Or perhaps my crew is too lazy?
or leads too..
Your lazy crew stared boringly at you when you told them to dig for hours!
Take a break matey... Time for rum!
Bah.. useless worms!
These you will happen a lot and can become very ridiculous and mundane.
Hunting Game Settings are this at moment, the normal/"reset" point.
Player chance - 50% <---- adding to player
NPC chance - 50% <---the diggable one adds to "1m" gold chance.
Success chance - 50%
Look at middle text on web page.
Get the "NPC max" section to 1m by hitting..
"Ask the port locals" either use (5 Turns) or (10 Turns)
I used 6 x 10 turns = 60 turns to get NPC max to 1m = 1million gold coins
At this point I use 15 turns a time..
4 x 15 turns = 60 turns on digging.
I struck gold finally and received "You found 715,255 shiny gold coins in it!"
After any win/find treasure it resets back the "NPC max" to "0" Gold coins,
The chance settings are changed to.. this may differ between plays..
Player chance - 65%
NPC chance - 35% <---still dig able.
Success chance - 80%
Spend 10 turns each time "asking the locals"
Increase "NPC max" to 1m again. using 60 turns to get NPC max 1m.
I then used 4 x 15 = 60 turns digging...then...
You found 924,733 shiny gold coins in it!.
Resets back the "NPC max" to "0" Gold coins
The settings changed..
Player chance - 80%
NPC chance - 20% <---still keep digging
Success chance - 80%
I used a further 60 turns+ to get NPC max to 1m.
I used 8 x 15 = 120 turns on dig..then...
You found 753,541 shiny gold coins in it!.
Resets back the "NPC max" to "0" Gold coins
The settings are changed to..
Player chance - 95%
NPC chance - 5% <---- this is the hard bit
Success chance - 80%
We are at the end of the "round."
This gets kind of tricky what I call..
"End Block."
Resetting game, a solution:
To try and make a clean start with another round.
Do in this order.
1. Ask the port locals (5 Turns) <--gives a amount gold.
2. Discuss with the head explorer (5 Turns)<---changes NPC max 0%
Doing this sets the other chances to 100% each
leaving NPC on zero%
Now use a big amount of turns, 70 or over per dig.
Keep trying this to reset it.
Your needing to get the below figures to restart (reset) over again to look as seen below.
Player chance - 50% <--reset
NPC chance - 50% <---reset
Success chance - 50%<--reset
I was lucky, I used 70 turns "ONLY" (shock horror) for "End Block."
Which reset the game chances all to 50% again!
Accounted Turn costs.
Town Hunt Phase 1: Full 9 areas all 100%. =700 turns.
This round test1:
Average cost 500.
Total turns used if include phase 1. in pipe line is 1200 turns
Gold Gained:2m.3m.
Now your done!... time to have another go...hmmm....maybe later..
I hope this helps the mystery behind hunting.
Test 2.:
Having done another round after the above,
I had to use far more than above to try to get the game to reset the dam game at "End Block" level.
As well as using 430 turns to get to End Block.
I have now had to use 18 x 70 turns = 1260 turns...ouch!...ouch!..it hurts!
![Sad :(](./images/smilies/icon_e_sad.gif)
this equals to a whooping 1690 turns for this frggin round! %^&*%$@!
You can now see just how unpredictable this game is,
of course it may not be as massively over played like my last effort on turns was, but.
There is no way a normal player can maintain any sanity with these sort of unpredictable results.
Unless stupidity came into play with unlimited credits.
The high turns use is surely one of the causes players constantly leave the game.
Turns s**k the life out of your game play.
I'd also like to stress I have done this hunting many times and some occasions eat the crap out of turns, rarer others may strike lucky in one go, mostly though its hard core usage of turns.
My advice is ...forget..Hunting....possibly even the game.
Anyhow...moving onward.
Battles NPC & Player:
The more ships you have the harder your npcs.
11 should be your maximum amount for easy maintenance costs etc etc
The cheapest ships should always be at the bottom of the fleet.
4 x Turns used per battle
Do Quartermaster quests.
Seen on the left panel,
Under the " Court " button..
Some starts npc fights fleet ideas:
1x Sloop of war
1x Cutter, All level 10.
Example 2:
1x sloop Of war level 10,
1x sloop level 10,
3x cutters level 10.
Example 3
3x sloops of war
1x cutter
Example 4
2x sloop Of war level 10,
1x cutters level 10.
All good starter npc attacks and maybe the occasional player.
Build up to better fleet if you must.
Remember to keep to 11 as any over this, you'll get harder ships to attack.
Anyhow good luck.
Overall game play.
It is sad its really hard to play with the turns usage so high, the game does not captivate you enough to warrant spending a serious amount of time in it.
Mostly this game is call in/call back game, you may have to call by daily or even two daily to even feel any joy from the collection of turns that the days away have gathered.
The Devs seem to of developed a tight arse game! generally they have restricted the player so much in all ways in the game play that they stop the player from playing the game at all.
Its like the Devs don't want you in the game. alongside there title "FREE PIRATES GAME FOR INTELLIGENT PEOPLE"
The Devs needs to wake up to games of today and re adjust this game so people can play it for long periods of time instead of the latter which implemented may encourage players to actually stay in game even possibly enjoy it.
Yep..............Turns really do s**k!
The End