Meliva wrote:Well, you can hire crew in the ports to work as your crew- so maybe have an option to hire them as troops for local plantations? The hideout could have a barracks that as you level it up gives troops bonuses represented as time spent training there, or a military academy that lets you organize bigger armies- since leading a squad of 5 soldiers is a lot simpler and easier then an army of a million.
Or the latter can be a academy tech. Lots of ways for the hideout to be used to help with plantations battle.
I would also like to ask what all a governor can do in regards to plantation battles? Can a governor for example, condemn an attacker and penalize them for raiding? Or give them their blessing to raid neighbors to give them a boost?
I feel that this could also factor into port blockades. A governor who constantly plays favorites may see their port blockaded and demanded to be removed from office.
Simple....... not only a governor but a nation.
1. If you raid a plantation in Bermuda port, you lose you operating permission in all bermuda ports.
2. If you raid a plantation of any Bermuda citizen in ANY port , you lose you OP in every Bermuda port.
Kind of puts a damper on the whole plantation raid idea doesn't it. Imagine USVI having that policy, or any nation.