by MAjesty » Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:46 pm
3 posts plus Bo Red's private feedback, this equals interest.
i do want to give out prizes. all i can offer right now is a Brig of War plus as many credits as bigger players contribute through an intermediary (probably like Southern Bell, SHM, or another one of them upstanding un-violent types) Also, how about all tributes contribute a set amount of presents, like every losing competitor for 1 day, tho that wud give the winner a nice little boost rite?
to answer spaz, big players have to post about what limits are or arent on them... ie players with a big trade fleet can expect to have a no-fug/hn clause but they can be expected to either submit many credits for this privileged to be contributed to the prize pool. (negotiated and settled here, in public with feedback from other tributes.) or pledge no leviathan use or soemthing like that... whatever people agree on.
as for what constitutes a winner will also have to be discussed with tribute feedback, but i imagine it would be the most fun if individual high level players basically gamble on the outcome, or score them judges style like SHM gives 2 points for ships destroyed 7 points for creativity 4 points overall opinion, then this gets averaged out with other high level players... other options exist...