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A word

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 7:39 pm
by PFH

For all of you reaction seeking wenches out there, let me clarify a miscommunication or two that is rampant.

Im not casting on ports. As a matter of fact ive been enduring some pathetic casts from Dejanira recently and have only been sitting with paused fleets for a few weeks now. I could hardly call her casting even a bother.

I have more important matters in my real life agenda than to deal in the silly squabbles you children try to throw me in.

No im not the puppetmaster behind every little thing that causes a inconvenience in your cute gameplay. I could care less about what you do in game. All i do is cast back when cast upon, and i dont really care about it much like i used to.

For all of those pinning my name on a wall you decided to put in your heads, without my rent payments to your landlord overseeing your feeble minds, let this be seen to you as well.

Insulted or not by this post, i dont care. Im not much for politics and sure as hell am not one to deal in the insignificance of your national affairs. I have my own, and they are rather quiet, and i prefer it this way.

Have a jolly day

Re: A word

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 9:08 pm
by Argo
That's not 'a word' Clocky -

- It's lots of words :D

Re: A word

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 9:18 pm
by DezNutz
Didn't bother reading it because it's not in UoH.

Re: A word

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 9:23 pm
by PFH
To argo, this title was meant as an idiom. To speak to someone or a group in private, often with a negative implication. However, this isnt private, but the application is still the same regardless.

To dez,

If its a problem, move it for me.

Re: A word

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:01 am
by Meliva
Moved it to Union of honor. No warnings given since I assume it's an honest mistake.

Re: A word

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 7:47 pm
by DezNutz
Ok, so now that this is in UoH, I read it and will reply to the nature of the post.

Midway Islands as a nation does not support nor is involved in any port actions that falls outside of required nation mission actions or the build-up and defense of our port of Seaglory.

That being said... Personally, I don't care what CW does, is doing, or isn't doing, as long as it doesn't break the rules.

That being said... CW should know that he will be blamed for pretty much anything due to in part of both his past and any associations to him no matter how remote and unlikely those associations are.

Additionally.... most anyone associated with CW no matter how remote and unlikely those associations are will likely get blamed for anything that CW has or has not done or as a result of something someone associated to CW has or has not done, solely for associating with CW.

Re: A word

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 8:06 pm
by Lil Lola
So CW is to blame for everyone’s bad behavior or something?

Re: A word

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 8:11 pm
by DezNutz
Lowlita wrote:So CW is to blame for everyone’s bad behavior or something?


Re: A word

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 8:14 pm
by Lil Lola
So essentially blame CW or you lose the game?

Re: A word

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 8:15 pm
by DezNutz
Lowlita wrote:So essentially blame CW or you lose the game?

If that is how you want to interpret it, sure.