Come to the glistening shores of Montenegro!

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Come to the glistening shores of Montenegro!

Postby Howell Davis » Wed May 24, 2017 1:18 am

We've all been there...walking from bow to stern, gazing every so slightly at the drab, lifeless, flagstaff... That feeling of excitement, exhilaration, and pride has all but faded in our minds and our hearts... Not sure if we are meant to be here, or if there is anything else worth chasing on that horizon...

Fear not fellow sailors! There is a new port, a new adventure, waiting.....FOR YOU!

:y Come see the sights in Montenegro! :y


A nation where the rum flows like liberal tears and tastes just as sweet! :beer

A nation that rewards loyalty with a 10% return at the national bank! :gc:

A nation that would be better with YOU as an active citizen! :respect

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Howell Davis
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Re: Come to the glistening shores of Montenegro!

Postby qpWiseManBellamyqp » Sat May 27, 2017 7:16 am

I love hills and mountains and seas all in one picture :)
simply what if Dr ??? ... just like marmite.
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