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Laws of the Land

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 3:26 pm
by PFH
Hello, players, nations, and guilds of Avonmora,

I would like to request a letter from the active nations to send me a letter containing your policies, laws, rules, etc. These nations include, but are not limited to the USA, Spain, St. Kitts-Nevis, Bermuda, and the United Kingdom. If your nation controls a port, then I would like to have a list from that nation. Please, have only 1 person from the nation's council to send me the laws and rules, such as one of the dukes or the king.

I would also like to request the same thing from other guilds, which include, but are not limited to [MERC], [TNP], [VUDU], [SSAA], and [SSTG]. Only have 1 person send me the letter so that it makes it easier for me to go through the letters containing that information.

If you could, please send them to my in-game account as a letter so I can compile these policies into a document. Please try to send 1 and only 1 letter. My ID is 66509 and my name in-game is Gildezarem.

Please do not post the following requests within this topic, as some players/guilds may not want some of these rules and policies to the public. I'd prefer them in a letter in-game.

Make sure you title the letter in a fashion like this: Laws of (nation/[guildname])

In the letter, format it to this order:
Laws (Articles with the definitions included.)
Taxes (optional, but highly preferred.)

The reason I seek this is because I am going to go into laws of Avonmora and become a personal attorney-like player. Another way to think of it is to be a lawyer or a peace-maker. I will be available soon, but I first must get the laws and polices compiled into a document folder I have set up. Note this: I will use chatrooms to discuss laws of guild wars and player-player problems whenever the need arises. I will also do only 1 nation discussion/ guild discussion at a time. I simply cannot work with 4 guilds or 2 nations with different requests at the same time.

Thank you!


Re: Laws of the Land

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 3:34 pm
by sXs
A nations laws are available for anyone to see already.

Re: Laws of the Land

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 3:36 pm
by Shadowood
Laws of the Brethren (VUDU)

Laws - NONE
Policies - NONE
Rules - NONE

"The Brethren - Is a close knit group of seasoned sailors in Avonmora. No real rules, no real guidelines. We talk about game mechanics, we discuss how to make the game better. We are loyal to who we want to be loyal to, whether that is guild, nation, player or none."

My members are free from rules and can play the game how they choose. If they want to trade, great! If they want to attack, even better!! We get out of the game what we put into it. Simple as that mate.

Re: Laws of the Land

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 3:42 pm
by PFH
Feniks wrote:A nations laws are available for anyone to see already.

I understand that, but I do not have the time to get all of the laws typed out by myself. It would take quite some time to get all of the laws and articles typed out.

Re: Laws of the Land

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 3:45 pm
by Shadowood
Gildezarem wrote:
Feniks wrote:A nations laws are available for anyone to see already.

I understand that, but I do not have the time to get all of the laws typed out by myself. It would take quite some time to get all of the laws and articles typed out.

Don't mean this to be rude mate... But if they are available for all to see, why then would the leaders take their time to type up what you could. Seems a bit lazy.

Also, all there is in this game is time. I am sure you would see it won't take you long if you set out.

Now personal policies, like AYES has a no cast first rule. That be different.

Re: Laws of the Land

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 3:47 pm
by PFH
No offense taken. I am lazy, honestly. If it were easy to copy and paste the articles and definitions, I would have done that.

Re: Laws of the Land

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 3:56 pm
by Dejanira
Statistics purposes? O.o

Re: Laws of the Land

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 3:56 pm
by PhoenixKnight
Gildezarem wrote:No offense taken. I am lazy, honestly. If it were easy to copy and paste the articles and definitions, I would have done that.

You are not selling yourself as a good lawyer if you admit that you are too lazy to research the laws :) :pc :cannon :beer

Re: Laws of the Land

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 3:58 pm
by PFH
Well, I haven't started being a lawyer yet, but I'll study laws after I get them compiled. And I am typing the laws at the moment. I'll be working on doing business when everything is compiled.

Re: Laws of the Land

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 4:00 pm
by Bmw
Within unup it's set up


if you cast first and get a response we wont help you much but if you cast something like a spy network and they retaliate by lighting you up we will respond. If you are attacked without casting any voodoo on the attacker in the last week (except spy network's) we will retaliate.

Rules: NONE

Only to the nation you are from.