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Welsh Proclamation

PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 1:47 am
by ChaIbaud
Chalbaud, Day 1684, speaking on behalf of Wales:

I speak tonight for the dignity of man and the destiny of Wales. I urge every member of all nations, Avonmorians of all nationalities and of all roles, from every section of Avonmora, to join me in this cause.

At times, history and fate meet at a single time in a single place to shape a turning point in man's unending search for fame. So it was at Tzogos and Tortuga. So it was years ago with past nations.

Our mission is at once the oldest and the most basic of this country – to right wrong, to do justice, to serve man. In our time, we have come to live with the moments of great crises. Our lives have been marked with debate about great issues, issues of war and peace, issues of prosperity and depression.

But rarely in any time does an issue lay bare the secret heart of Wales itself. Rarely are we met with a challenge, not to our growth or abundance, or our welfare or our security, but rather to the values and the purposes and the meaning of our beloved nation. The issue of the inept lack of membership is such an issue. And should we recruit a few, and should we double our wealth and conquer the stars, and still be unequal to this issue, then we will have failed as a people and as a nation. For, with a country as with a person, "what is a nation profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

There is no Pirate problem. There is no Merchant problem. There is no Privateer problem. There is only a Welsh problem.

And we are met here tonight as citizens of Wales– not as poor or rich, new or old. We're met here to solve that problem. This was one of the first nation in the history of Avonmora to be founded with a purpose.

The last time a Welsh member governed a port it was done out of greed, spite, and an unstable backing. That time was delegated after a couple of long months to the past.

This time, on this issue, there must be no delay, or no hesitation, or no compromise with our purpose. We cannot, we must not, let this great nation waste away when it deserves its time in the limelight.

We must not wait another day before we shall recruit. We have already waited countless months and more and the time for waiting is gone.

It is the effort of Welsh citizens to secure for themselves the full blessings of their life. Their cause must be our cause, too.

Because it's not just those residing in Wales, but really it's all of us, who must overcome the crippling legacy of dominance and bullying.

Re: Welsh Proclamation

PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:12 am
by Most Lee Harmless
Wales : been : gone : let it lie.

Re: Welsh Proclamation

PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:37 am
by ChaIbaud
Danik wrote:Wales : been : gone : let it lie.

This notion is one of an attitude of pungent acquisition! If this line of thinking was one to consider in the slightest, just a minuscule amount, nations such as France would not be around to see the light of the Lord today. Perhaps this philosophy would be best put down if considered when using WWII as an example! "Europe : been : gone: let it lie." Should I go on, possibly to mention the idea could have meant ruin for the Southern United States after the Civil War, maybe even Japan after the two atomic bombs?

This revival is not one of the intentions of past rulers, such as Xepshunall or more recently and destructively Bigtea. It is sincere and if the public statements are what you truly believe, then smaller nations with the determination and resources to hold a port should not be put down because of their age or player-base. After all, isn't this why Isle of Man and Egypt combined? To let the little guy get a seat at the table?

Re: Welsh Proclamation

PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:41 am
by Donald Trump
Grenada and UK have gotten their seats. More little guys than before.

Re: Welsh Proclamation

PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:45 am
by ChaIbaud
DoS wrote:Grenada and UK have gotten their seats. More little guys than before.

True, but if you want to see it from a point of view rather than a King dreaming for his nation, St. Kitts' original resolve was, of their 9 ports, have 6 and give the rest away. That leaves a port open for a peaceful transfer of power. This is not an immediate goal but in time it will be. Maybe this go around we don't have to bicker the majority of the day. :y

Re: Welsh Proclamation

PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:10 pm
by Most Lee Harmless
chal wrote:
Danik wrote:Wales : been : gone : let it lie.

This notion is one of an attitude of pungent acquisition! If this line of thinking was one to consider in the slightest, just a minuscule amount, nations such as France would not be around to see the light of the Lord today. Perhaps this philosophy would be best put down if considered when using WWII as an example! "Europe : been : gone: let it lie." Should I go on, possibly to mention the idea could have meant ruin for the Southern United States after the Civil War, maybe even Japan after the two atomic bombs?

This revival is not one of the intentions of past rulers, such as Xepshunall or more recently and destructively Bigtea. It is sincere and if the public statements are what you truly believe, then smaller nations with the determination and resources to hold a port should not be put down because of their age or player-base. After all, isn't this why Isle of Man and Egypt combined? To let the little guy get a seat at the table?

Why should being a little guy qualify anyone for a seat at the table? If a nation has the resources and determination to take and hold a port, they usually end up doing so : but part of that is having to deal with the previous owners, or other little guys competing to be the ports new owners : there is no practical or moral reason to believe that just being a small nation should give some right to be a port owner or that current port owners have nay duty of care to assist such little guys take their ports.
If Wales, or any other 'little guy' wants to be a port owner, it will have to grow some, build some, plan some and fight a fecking lot.. and maybe, just maybe, it might get a seat at the table : but just wanting one aint enough, just having been a past port owner aint enough.

Re: Welsh Proclamation

PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:25 pm
by Donald Trump
Well said and true. I doubt anyone here cares about the history of Wales or France enough to hand out a port. Thinking that you should get a port because its Wales is ridiculous. It's an empty nation. The nations that got a port didn't have to be past port owning nations. They had to have a team of dedicated players who can fight and keep it. Wales at this point has neither.

Re: Welsh Proclamation

PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:17 pm
by ChaIbaud
Maybe I was unclear with my words, or maybe the two of you misunderstood, but this post was not to call out the bigger nations and demand a port. It was merely and simply an attempt to recruit people. You can believe me when I say that I know you don't deserve a port for being the little guy: it wasn't my intention to seem like reason was my argument. I don't think my message was phrased to make people think this way but perhaps it was. I'm just trying to recruit those who may not like their current country or wish to give a new one a chance for the hellofit. In fact, you guys are arguing my point as I see it- I'm asking people to join because having Morningsun isn't enough to keep a prosperous nation going and being small is not an advantage nor a reason for authority. I hope this clears up my point so you can spend more time contemplating alliances rather than dissecting words.

Re: Welsh Proclamation

PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:30 pm
by Admiral Nelson
Its hard to build up trust with someone or an 'alliance' as you state, who was once a spy.

Re: Welsh Proclamation

PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:40 pm
by ChaIbaud
Those that I spied on have received apologies and dually noted that it was accepted and moved on. I still talk without Stan and am on relatively good terms with the rest. The ultimate goal was unsuccessful and what more could you have expected of me, a new player who was receiving 10 million for every bit of information and a guild who would only accept me completely had I done what they asked.