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For ALL Royal Navy(or anyone)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 6:44 am
by SGT Blue
I would simply like for you to see what your leader is. (not just a blow hard, but WRONG and Misleading)
This is what I sent him in it's entirety, check the dates and times. Then compare it to what he cut and pasted to you. Then decide for yourselves what to believe.

(#) wrote:
I tried to be your friend, and play your game about you being Lord of the Royal Navy (Remember I suggested you use the "Letters of Marque" you should look that up! ) I let you know when one of your guild attacked me unprovoked so YOU could take care of it. Instead you saw me as an unformible player and wanted me to play with a mermaid? BIG MISTAKE!
I even gave you the leeway of being #1, I don't want it or to take over this game. But I can!!
So because of YOUR arrogance with all your posts and your ego, and your insistance that you are something you are not you got YOURSELF into this.

1) Make a post that you were wrong in not teaching your younger members about who to attack. And as a leader YOU failed.

2) NEVER! And I mean NEVER!! attack me or anyone I have an alliance with again unless (I) wrong you (And that wont happen) If they do YOU contact ME first or I WILL defend and help the players I have alliance with!!!!! (This could have been you)

< These terms are UNCONDITIONAL!!>
I have at my disposal unlimited time and resources, I just wanted to be left alone and trade to sooth my anger when I need it. I will continue my attacks against YOU and this will never end until these terms are met or I die in real life!!!!!

Laugh now my mermaid

SGT Blue

A true leader and someone who cares about you would not hold anything out.
I want no trouble with you or anyone, just to trade!
But Nelson wants your help because he knows he can not defeat me with out it.
And he IS defeated!
I wish you all well, and will be here if any seek questions about how to excell in this game. I do not want war with ANYONE! But will NOT be unjustly dealt with.
If you still don't believe me, ask ANY PK,Jouga,3 Fingered Larry,The Great Hellfire,The Exeptional Xeptional,Black Sparrow,Facelesspride, or any player who is smarter than an idiot.
Then you decide. I will await any answer and proceed accordingly.
Thank You for thinking on your own and investigating this stupidity.
All I ask is this.

Dont start none...
Wont be NONE!
Your guild if asked, Your HELL if messed with!