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Rules of Engangement (RoE)

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:07 am
by Black sparrow
Hi everyone,

Pirate Kings, even before their official in-game launch, had a RoE which is followed by all our members.

Here it is:
Rules of Engagement wrote:1 attack per 24hours = 1 counter (Voodoo may be used)
2 or more in 24 hours = Hitlist

We do not use voodoo on guilded people.
People without a guild may be voodooed any time.

*Attacks on our small members will not be tolerated*

Let me give you all the details that I hope that will help everyone in this game.

First of all, the game has its own rules, let's call them natural. The natural rule of the game has to do with danger. If your fleet has danger, it can be attacked and no questions asked.

Here, PK comes and proclaims a set of RoE. Any set of RoE is as strong as the proclaimer of this RoE is. So when you our violating our RoE, you are openly asking for trouble from the whole guild.

Our RoE speaks for 1 attack per 24hours. So we say that if your fleet has danger, it is open for our cannons. but as courtesy, we will only attack 1 per 24hours (this is per player). In the same time, we expect the same from you.

Now I have already heard complains about "HE ATTACKED ME!". Yes, we attacked you. It is your problem if you cannot keep your fleets without danger and we are not going to sit there and watch it.

Of course, you can always enforce a no attack roe. But this means that it will not be compatible with our RoE. This means war as it will ultimately lead there. Then every leader can make his choices, either retreat or make a deal or attack.

Regarding voodoo now, they are certainly a part of the game. As a guild we believe in reserving our powers. Therefore PK do not use offensive voodoo except if you enter our hitlist. Voodoo however can be a great counter way or a way to settle a deal.

For example, if someone violates our RoE, then we need to either hitlist him for 24hours or settle the deal in the middle, with some beneficial vooodoo casted on the member who suffered the violation.

To be honest, war sounds scary right now but perhaps it would be good to try it so I personally stand in the middle. PK has set their RoE, perhaps it is time all guilds do the same or war may be closer than you think, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

I believe that if every guild has its RoE, then it will be easier to define guild relationships.

Re: Rules of Engangement (RoE)

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:24 am
by Horatio Nelson
Black sparrow wrote:Now I have already heard complains about "HE ATTACKED ME!". Yes, we attacked you. It is your problem if you cannot keep your fleets without danger and we are not going to sit there and watch it.

Then prepare yourself for the consequences as the monkey shall be moved from our backs to yours if your RoE is to attack allied ships. Let me make myself clear, any further aggression displayed by The Pirate Kings towards ANY of The Royal Navy shall result in war. The problem then shall become yours. Good luck with your endeavors.

Re: Rules of Engangement (RoE)

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:20 am
by Hawk
wow a war.. can I join in? :D

Re: Rules of Engangement (RoE)

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:50 am
by Horatio Nelson
War? Not necessarily my good fellow. In fact, it should be quiet clear that I am trying to avert war especially attacks on my cadet officers. I believe in diplomacy first but both parties must come to the table and be prepared to negotiate rather that offer a rigid policy. It probably has become obvious that I have complained about unprovoked attacks on allied ships. I also was attacked with Voodoo cards by a Pirate King alliance member despite my Danger Rating being below 2 - that member remains part of the Pirate Kings - thus demonstrating that the leadership is incapable of enforcing its own RoE.

To all guilds, you would have read in The Royal Navy's Declaration of Existence that such attacks are not tolerated by it's members. So therefore I expect the same treatment from other leaders. And my view is not in isolation as I have already received private messages from two other admirals expressing the same.

The bottom line is The Royal Navy has no intention of progressing any war with any alliance but if a war does commence through the clumsy policy of others then The Royal Navy shall be defending her sovereignty.

Re: Rules of Engangement (RoE)

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 3:56 pm
by John rackham
The RoE of Pirate Kings is of course their own business, but PK cannot expect other players to read them, let alone conform to them.

If attacked, few players will think "oh, well, that's the first time in 24 hours, that's fine by their rules, so fine by me, my bad about the Danger Rating". Or refrain from using voodoo in counter-attack because PK say they wouldn't on the first day unless it's raining or whatever.

So I would say that your PK RoE will tend naturally towards counter-attack, escalation and war. As you wish.

Re: Rules of Engangement (RoE)

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 5:30 pm
by SGT Blue
Dear Pirate Captain Sparrow,
I am writting on be
half of a good friend of mine and a member of your Guild (also a friend) about a problem that I for one would like your veiw on Sir.
You being the Nobleest of Pirates and wise to the relm in which we live.
Lord Rahl is a young struggling some times strong minded player, but I am trying to give good advice to, He was attacked by 3 fingered Larry and Rahl retaliated. This went back and forth for awhile and I know this is the nature of the game.
What I have an issue with and seek your knowledge about is the responce 3 fingered gave to my young friend, he told him he was attacked because he was over a 3 in Danger Rateing and that is how it is done.

Now, if that were true, then in the SAME port was a Capt. D of the same Guild as Rahl, and the famous Xepshanall. They were not attacked by 3 fingered Larry! Is he only attacking smaller players?

I thought that was NOT the way of your guild.
And if that way of playing is true, then as I see your undefended LMs at ports rt now, as well as Larry's, if I were to attack them would that go as just "The way its done"?
Please let me know soon for my old plundering ways are just under the skin while my cannoneers are anxiously awaiting my orders of fire or let live. (they are an unruly lot sometimes)


SGT Blue

Re: Rules of Engangement (RoE)

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 6:42 pm
by Lord rahl

I am Lord Rahl leader of the DAHARA EMPIRE I first came to find myself on the seas a week ago. So please excuse me if I lack any understanding about your ROE. In the last week I came for being unknown to being on the first 3 pages of famous pirates in history. Your ROE has not been inforced by you are your guild.
RoiLeon (#11503) Lord Rahl Baramas 2012-05-05 18:46:15 Show Report
4 RoiLeon (#11503) Lord Rahl Baramas 2012-05-05 18:43:38 Show Report
5 RoiLeon (#11503) Lord Rahl Baramas 2012-05-05 18:36:32 Show Report
he attacked me 3 times in less then 20 mintues.

18 light (#40) Lord Rahl Prote 2012-05-05 04:52:01 Show Report
19 light (#40) Lord Rahl Prote 2012-05-05 04:48:51 Show Report
20 light (#40) Lord Rahl Prote 2012-05-05 04:43:20 Show Report
As well as this so called pirate.
Do your So called pirates not listen to the rules you put out to them? If so then we need to be speaking the he ture leader of this guild.
I was attacked 6 times in one day by 2 members of the PK..
But yet I still showed mercy for Roileon I could have easily taken out but, instead I used a small amount of voodoo to regain what was rightfully mine.

Thank You!

Re: Rules of Engangement (RoE)

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:38 pm
by Lefty
This brings up a good point. How would a guild know if its pirates are true to a RoE? There is no record of attacks for a guild, just the individual pirate. Perhaps a record of who has attacked the guild last and who the guild has attacked last ( maybe 50 battles? ). That way it is not up to the offended party to report transgressions thru channels to the proper parties. Thats if we are concerned with keeping the so called peace that exists. If not, then screw it. Free for all it is, dont really need guilds for that. That ability has been there all along. Maybe guilds should just be for training...? And when you start to attack , then its time to be on your own. Food for thought. Eat up.. ;)

Re: Rules of Engangement (RoE)

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 1:11 am
by SGT Blue
I SGT Blue have some regretable and hard words to say.
I was rog...I was wrun...WOW, This is hard to write! I was wrong! There! (just don't let my wife read this)
I missunderstood a conversation that was told to me not in person and I got it WRONG!
3 Fingered Larry and I have already met on the high seas and worked this out. I have chosen to make it public notice that I should let all know when Im wrong I can admit it. (And not because we spent all the rest of the day at the Rum Swillers Cove)

Humbly Submitted,
SGT Blue

Re: Rules of Engangement (RoE)

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2012 6:18 am
by Talyn
Lefty wrote:This brings up a good point. How would a guild know if its pirates are true to a RoE? There is no record of attacks for a guild, just the individual pirate. Perhaps a record of who has attacked the guild last and who the guild has attacked last ( maybe 50 battles? ). That way it is not up to the offended party to report transgressions thru channels to the proper parties. Thats if we are concerned with keeping the so called peace that exists. If not, then screw it. Free for all it is, dont really need guilds for that. That ability has been there all along. Maybe guilds should just be for training...? And when you start to attack , then its time to be on your own. Food for thought. Eat up.. ;)

........ nooooooo! ~clinging to guild doorway~ I'm don't want to eat it! :lol:

All these incidents just highlights the importance of trust between the leader of a guild and it's members and between the leaders too. Maybe there should be a formal committee of guild leaders or chosen diplomats that only deals with the violation of inter-guild rules etc (and only that so there'll be no accusations about abuse of power).