by Mr. Rothschild » Wed Mar 18, 2015 1:01 am
Royal Charter Granted To the East Indian Company [EIC]
On this 188th day of Year 2, the King of England has granted a Royal Charter to the newly established East India Company based out of Tzogos England.
This company has been given exclusive rights by the King to establish a lucrative trade industry among the islands of Avonmora. The companies objective is to bring rare commodity goods back to England for both profit and economic gain by the nation. The East India Company is also hereby granted permission to establish its own navy and military presence among its colony Tzogos, any new colony it deems neccessary to create, and along its trade routes as needed.
This charter entitles the EIC to represent England within Avonmora so long as its purpose remains true.
Mayer A. Rothschild, King of England