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Re: Message to Chin Chin and Now Everything Else In LIFE

Postby Maha » Fri Sep 23, 2016 2:05 pm

the article recognizes that nowadays there is a distinction between 'biological sex' which is based on physical evidence and 'gender'. the latter is based on personal preference of the individual at a certain point in time, not genetic predestined nor unchangeable.

the lbtg+ community is concerned by the spin-offs from the gender diversifying.

if you accept people who claim to be mentally healthy while denying their biological sex as their gender, then what to to with the following claims?

a trans ager:

a trans species:

a trans mythical being:

now, these web postings could be parodies, fake and ridiculing the transgender issue. but the problems remains, why accept trans gender but not the trans .... ?
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Re: Message to Chin Chin and Now Everything Else In LIFE

Postby ChaIbaud » Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:27 pm

Classified as gender dysphoria I believe. 2 sexes in gender culture and a usually set gender to go with it. Some say it's a spectrum saying men can wear pink and be a princess: yes, but it would be shameful and pitiful really. Men are biologically the stronger sex, at least in physical terms, and trying to change that would cause more trouble than your "be comfortable with any mental illness" would ever solve...
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Re: Message to Chin Chin and Now Everything Else In LIFE

Postby Lana » Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:43 pm

Maha, you read my mind ... just thinking how some new trendy claims could be named. They need the name! ;)

Btw, no offense for transgender world. In my country, women that have become men are the part of our culture. That happened few times in past, not essentially because they have felt like man, but mostly because all their male relatives were killed in battles, or wars and they wanted to prolong their fathers name, to be ''the father or brother'' to their younger sisters and to continue to hold the estate. So, they started to wear male clothes, some of them changed the name and behave like males for all their life and they were recognized and respected by community ... I know, it's not exactly what transgender means ... last month, the last Montenegro Virdzina (that's called this phenomena) died.


Germany, ... and-water/

Czech Republic, ... the-worst/

Finland ... -the-move/

and Austria … (I read about that in our newspapers few days ago) advise its citizens to stockpile food and water.

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Re: Message to Chin Chin and Now Everything Else In LIFE

Postby Haron » Fri Sep 23, 2016 5:12 pm

Who cares about classifying people into different genders anyway? I care only about another classification. The way I see it, there are simply the kinds of people: Those who know math, and those who don't.
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Re: Message to Chin Chin and Now Everything Else In LIFE

Postby Maha » Fri Sep 23, 2016 5:24 pm

there is a difference to take up a role and identity to protect and maintain a community like Lana described and the current transgender hype which is based on personal well being AND pressuring the community at large to condone, sympathize and support their lifestyle. While what Lana describes is a strange custom for me, i don't see anything wrong in it. maybe i am just sad that it was necessary to give up something (femininity) in order to lead. but Bravo for those women who made that sacrifice.

the articles about stockpiling food and other resources become quickly more alarmist and unreliable. the one about Finland claims that the government is behind it and continues to say that the warning is spread word of mouth. ~strange ~

most (or all) of the international military exercises mentioned are yearly occurrences that has a long history. nothing new under the sun and not related to current affairs in any alarming way.

while i do have a concern about the rise of populist ego-maniacal leaders who want to make their mark on world history. i am not afraid for WWIII neither conventional nor nuclear.
at most i see a multifaceted arms race in a Cold war redo. (eastern Europe, NATO, India, China and the Middle East as the larger players with Africa, southern America and south East Asia / Pacific rim as the initial play ground. this war will include acts of terrorism, corporate takeovers to dismantle industries and cyber war.

i mention these blocks because they represent different worldviews or mindsets that clash with one another. the world has become a village and different cultures claim the right to dominate the village.
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Re: Message to Chin Chin and Now Everything Else In LIFE

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Fri Sep 23, 2016 5:27 pm

chal wrote:Classified as gender dysphoria I believe. 2 sexes in gender culture and a usually set gender to go with it. Some say it's a spectrum saying men can wear pink and be a princess: yes, but it would be shameful and pitiful really. Men are biologically the stronger sex, at least in physical terms, and trying to change that would cause more trouble than your "be comfortable with any mental illness" would ever solve...

'Shameful' to wear pink ? It's a color, is all : the shameful part is folk deciding it has some power above and beyond that. Ancient nonsense that somehow seems to have stayed the course : google 'sumptuary laws' and marvel at the idiocy of them, then choke when you realize they are still with us in the notion that some colors have a 'gender' or 'sexual orientation', such that no real man could wear them...
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Re: Message to Chin Chin and Now Everything Else In LIFE

Postby Big Brother » Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:41 pm

Maybe... ur born a certain way, and you feel a different way. Idgaf how you feel. You have a junk you're a dude. I also don't care what you do with ur holes. These "genders" are more sexual orientation than anything else... I like bestiality? Fine, I can like cats to the point where you "are" one...
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