swear i had to read that sentence 3 times (capitalization)
please try to work on ur grammar man. (your grammar, non word)
just Saiyan.... (I am just saying- Spelling,Capitalization, incomplete sentence)
i'm sorry if English is not your first language. (Capitalization, no Subject)
it's hard for a lot of ESL students to nail down referent rules in English grammar (like its hard for Maj to obey simple rules of grammar, let alone referents)
a lot of other languages have much simpler rules for them and it can make it very confusing for you guys... (They confuse you? Thus now you know how we all feel reading your messages, I actually had to translate in the past for others.)
just keep trying buddy, you'll get the hang of it. (Similar to you with honesty Maj)
Careful whom you correct, there is always someone else who understands the language and grammar and is willing to correct you in return.