Clockwork wrote:Bribing of fantasy draft votes is strictly prohibited. Making accounts to add votes into the fantasy draft is also strictly prohibited.
LOL That is so precious coming from you. What are you going to do about it when it happens? Seems you are prohibiting the very things you were guilty of in the past.
Heh remember this little nugget? Remember who you sent this too?
"No problem. It is a community competition we have biannually in our forums. There is over 1 billion in prizes from it"
"Each vote counts, I be willing to pay handsomely for those votes"
I wonder who sent that message to the noobs last draft? I saved the screenshots.
Remember that time you started throwing voodoo at those same new players for ratting you out about trying to bribe them......
I do ..... I saved the screenshots.
Oh..... and remember that time you admitted to bribing/ attempting to bribe players in the forums
I do...... It is saved for all to see in the draft comments thread of the last draft
So the biggest cheater in the history of the draft is now trying to lecture us on how we need to behave with made-up rules that he can't enforce.
"Do as I say, not as I do".
I will open the bidding at 10 mill a vote.