Trump 2020!

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Re: go trump

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Sat Jan 11, 2020 10:28 pm

milosevic had nothing to do with it it was the usa lol
wouldnt have nothing to do with milosevic and the hatred of the war dividing the people
yeah i get it the blame game with no admittal of state problems driving a wedge between an already divided people

there were many reasons for what you blame on the us
among them were cultural and religious divisions between different ethnic groups
memories of ww2 atrocities committed by all sides
the 1974 constitutional power taking all real power from the federal gov in the economic political and cultural policies

the collapse of communism in eastern europe in 89 then the unification of germany a year later and the imminent collapse of the soviet union
all served to erode yugoslavias political stability
now this is where you can lay blame on the usa
due to communism no longer being prevalent from all sides we did not fully fund your nations economic and financial needs to keep you floating
until you achieved success if ever you would have

because people like milosevic will ever capitalize on a weakened people

bush did try to intervene somewhat to help but several states were adamant about becoming independent but to be honest he was focused on the soviet union germany and the persian gulf

i did leave out the infighting and how bloody it became in spots due to my ignorance and lack of drive to research it as you would know that side far better than me

and while i understand your inability to be angry at milosevic due to his death in prison it doesnt take away his part in this and in no way leaves the usa as the culprit
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Re: go trump

Postby The Lamb » Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:44 am

Well I do appreciate everyone's opinion, while its seems to slant towards the negative on the US, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. no matter your opinion , beliefs and or feelings a few things hold true:
The United States is:
The biggest Economy in the world
The best Military in the world
The most generous county in the world (based on donations values given in 2019)
#2 in giving financial aid, second to China (but a lot of that "aid" is to allow for China to have commercial access, soooooo.....)
The top country accepting immigrants in the world
The country with the highest personal/human freedom index, followed by Finland
The first to Ban Slavery (yes the State of Vermont banned slavery in 1777, was a sovereign state at the time)

Now to be fair, there are many more statistics that some of you would gladly point out to speak out against the USA, but please remember that smaller homogeneous populations with a common culture can lead to happier/healthier population. Its much easier to understand 17 million like minded peoples in the Netherlands than it is to try and figure out 330 million people from around the world in America, I mean, New York City has more population than Switzerland.

People are free to denounce every thing that America does, says, and stands for but the bottom line is there is no where else I would rather be, no where else i would rather defend and the World would be a much different place if it were not for our little experiment in forming a nation with a hybrid federal republic and a constitutional representative democracy based government. Im not being an arrogant American, just being a proud one, there was a time when most were proud and I am happy to hear you all are proud of your countries, even if they made yugo's :beer

Thats why so many people want to come here, and not that many ever leave. So there is something going on here that some of your either arent seeing or just refuse to and thats fine too. I went to college later in life, and when i was going for my masters, i used to love listening to some kids lecture on problems with the tax code and they hadnt even paid taxes yet lmao!
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Re: go trump

Postby Lana » Sun Jan 12, 2020 1:27 pm

Dmanwuzhere wrote:milosevic had nothing to do with it it was the usa lol
wouldnt have nothing to do with milosevic and the hatred of the war dividing the people
yeah i get it the blame game with no admittal of state problems driving a wedge between an already divided people

there were many reasons for what you blame on the us
among them were cultural and religious divisions between different ethnic groups
memories of ww2 atrocities committed by all sides
the 1974 constitutional power taking all real power from the federal gov in the economic political and cultural policies

the collapse of communism in eastern europe in 89 then the unification of germany a year later and the imminent collapse of the soviet union
all served to erode yugoslavias political stability
now this is where you can lay blame on the usa
due to communism no longer being prevalent from all sides we did not fully fund your nations economic and financial needs to keep you floating
until you achieved success if ever you would have

because people like milosevic will ever capitalize on a weakened people

bush did try to intervene somewhat to help but several states were adamant about becoming independent but to be honest he was focused on the soviet union germany and the persian gulf

i did leave out the infighting and how bloody it became in spots due to my ignorance and lack of drive to research it as you would know that side far better than me

and while i understand your inability to be angry at milosevic due to his death in prison it doesnt take away his part in this and in no way leaves the usa as the culprit

No Dman, you are totally wrong... I've never been a fan of Milosevic . I somehow consider him Serbian Bin Laden, indoctrinated while living and working in New York, who, while conforming to Western politics (encouraging Serbian nationalism), was a good boy as soon as reached the set goal, he became interchangeable. On the other sides there was an escalation of Croatian and Muslim (now Bosniak) nationalism, too, leading to wars and the final dissolution of Yugoslavia. In those years I lived and studied in Sarajevo and I remember very well what was happening there before and after the arrival of the Blue Helmets. Also, I will never forget one news shortly before the start of the war in Bosnia (which was only aired twice on radio one day, and then the silence .... as if that never happened). Namely, on that day, Sarajevo police seized a group of foreign nationals with the leaflets and insignia of three Bosnian Entities with material targeted at each single entity, with nationalist messages and announcements that the other party was planning terrorist actions against them. I also remember (but I was already in my city at the time) foreign TV crews that happened "just" at the time of the massacre at the Markale Market in Sarajevo, for which the Serbian Armed Forces were charged, and it became cause for NATO air strikes on Republika Srpska. Otherwise, it has not been clarified to this day who carried out both attacks on Markale. I remember a lot of things right before and during the war, whether I was a direct witness or a side witness, but I am 100% convinced that a foreign element had directly or indirectly affected all events in the former Yugoslavia.

P.s. because of the war in Bosnia, I had to go to Pristina to continue studying ... so, I do know too very good, what was happenig there before the NATO bombing. I communicated with some of yours the so-called ''NGOs'' and it was soooo clear what side of the ''truth'' you (your Government) wanted to hear. Epilogue you know...
Last edited by Lana on Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: go trump

Postby Lana » Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:51 pm

Redish wrote:Anyone else think that some of these accusations against Iran were trumped up?

Redish, here is the answer on your question> ... t-attacks/
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Re: go trump

Postby Redish » Sun Jan 12, 2020 6:03 pm

Lana wrote:
Redish wrote:Anyone else think that some of these accusations against Iran were trumped up?

Redish, here is the answer on your question> ... t-attacks/

Interesting stuff :)
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Re: go trump

Postby Mack » Sun Jan 12, 2020 7:31 pm

that says a whole bunch of nothingness

According to this what did pompeo say?
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Re: go trump

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Sun Jan 12, 2020 7:37 pm

interesting indeed i find it very interesting that folks have such short attention spans
for the past year and plenty of years before that iran has used proxy groups to attack the us and its allies
its common knowledge and this shows iran either proxy or claimed attacks will get you smacked ..... as it should be

the several recent incidents before the drone ended the general were substantial enough to require action and im glad it occurred

the last pres was a spineless coward and allowed them access to monies he never should have and set the walk on us all you like standard
now they know this one has a spine and sets the dont tread on me standard
damages or butthurt received in the posting of these words is solely yours and yours alone
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Re: go trump

Postby The Lamb » Mon Jan 13, 2020 2:34 am

Dmanwuzhere wrote:

the last pres was a spineless coward and allowed them access to monies he never should have and set the walk on us all you like standard
now they know this one has a spine and sets the dont tread on me standard


The issue is this new world view that if you talk about how you feel about things long enough and blame global warming someone else will listen and change. Like i said in earlier posts, there are people in this world that are just that evil and uncaring and no amount of sharing, feelings and safe spaces will ever change that. Its tough that the world expects the US to protect the innocent then bad mouths us when we do.

For anyone looking for actual news, here are my tips for success in information gathering... If the news source you use accused Trump of colluding with the Russians for two years, stop using them as a source... the lied, for a long time... If the news source you use talks about climate change (which is a real thing) and doesnt once bring up the milankovitch cycles or inter-glacial cycles, stop using them for a source, they are the same sources who were threatening global cooling in the 70's and 80' and 90's. Spoiler alert, we still have a 3 degree temp rise to go in the current inter-glacial before we reach the avg temp of the last inter-glacial before we start to cool down again :D

Update: Iranian citizens are rioting in the streets to oust their leadership. One report says they are chanting the enemy is here, they lied to us that the enemy is America and ripping down posters of the killed terror general... Hmmmm... interesting, werent we just talking about this and how Americans were wrong about Iran, or misinformed? Maybe the Iranian public are misinformed too :D :D orrrrrrrrr........
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Re: go trump

Postby Mack » Tue Jan 14, 2020 1:31 pm

TRUMP 2020!
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Re: go trump

Postby Dejanira » Wed Jan 15, 2020 1:30 pm

The Lady is a Trump? :D
Ah, the old Sinatra. Nice song.
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